With the new iOS shortcuts, has anyone done anything cool with h.e?

With the new iOS shortcuts, has anyone done anything cool with h.e?

I use the alarm trigger to switch the mode from night to morning, have an nfc tag that unlocks my front door, set presence with it and have shortcuts for a couple scenes.

I’m disappointed myself.

I was hoping a shortcut could trigger by and off or on state of a switch... apparently it doesn’t....

What are you trying to do? You can definitely toggle a switch with An iOS shortcut.

Basically, you can create a shotcut right now that allows you to turn off your Apple TV.

However, I'm not able to trigger that shortcut using a switch.

I see, you’re trying to go Hubitat to iOS. Could you do that with home bridge?

No, it's a limitation with shortcuts not allowing you to setup triggers as switches or lights.

I think I'll just pickup a couple harmony hubs.

How reliable are they ?

For what?

I find my three Harmony Hubs to be very reliable, and I personally prefer using the Harmony remotes over the Apple TV remotes.

Yea, as a remote, I only use harmony

I just made a shortcut to turn on and off a light. You do need a bridge to HomeKit but it can be done.

You can go straight to the maker api with a shortcut. No need for homebridge.