Will Matter ever Matter?

I may be ignorant, but I've been reading about Matter, and it is pretty clear that matter is basically Zigbee trying to take over the Smart Home market. I know they talk about WiFi and Bluetooth devices as well, but I really think it is very much a trojan horse to eliminate Z-wave and any other established home automation signaling/protocols. I have been working in engineering roles most of my life, so I am not just some novice who is throwing out a conspiracy theory, but I will say that it sure seems like that. I picked Z-wave for most of my devices after weeks of research, but I guess in the long run it does not matter, until all good hubs on the market ditch those antennas.

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Surely Biden or Bill Gates will decide on the only acceptable standard.

Some of that information is also outdated. As of iOS 16, Siri is supposed to be able to control HomeKit without an internet connection (Apple has been making Siri less Internet dependent since iOS 15, but I don't think you could do HomeKit control in iOS 15 - I understand that was an iOS 16 feature). And most HomeKit devices are not cloud based!

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For siri voice commands, most will still be by the cloud but homekit is local.

I'm really ignorant in these things... Is Habitat now capable of accepting commands from, say, a HomePod mini without having to mess about with HomeBridge, or. cloud-based setup? I ask because I want to use the scripts / routines I have already written for Habitat. I have tried to figure HomeKit scripting out, and it may as well be Urdu. Videos on YouTube only confuse matters more.

Yes, Hubitat added a native HomeKit integration to their hub a few releases ago. It is still in Beta and Hubitat is working on getting it Certified by Apple.

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It works with significant limitations. No IP devices (think Hue via bridge, TP-Link, etc), no barrier devices (locks, garage doors), no user custom virtual devices. Some of the restrictions can be worked around by using Hubitat-native virtual devices. It is best thought of as a Z-Wave and Zigbee bridge.

I clearly don't understand what I'm reading, when I research this. You say that HomeKit will be able to operate your devices without internet connectivity. What is your code running from? There's no hub, it's just framework to connect to everything and control it directly. What will be hosting the scheduled routines or the IFTTT actions if not a hub? At least 90% of my home automation is IFTTT and scheduled routines by date & time.

Apple HomeKit supports running a “HomeKit Hub” on AppleTV and HomePod devices. This happens automagically when one of these devices is added to a HomeKit “Home”.

Without a HomeKit “Hub” device, HK automations only run on a user’s iPhone or iPad. Also, the HomeKit “Hub” enables remote access to one’s HomeKit Home while away from the house via Apple’s encrypted iCloud.

There is quite a bit more to Apple HomeKit than “just a framework to connect everything and control it directly.” In addition to the features a HomeKit “Hub” device brings, there is also secure/encrypted video processing and event detection storage. Events from video cameras include motion, person, vehicle, and animal detection.


I guess I'll have to wait until Hubitat integrates the needful, before I can start playing and verifying. Thank you for helping me understand.

This comes off more about greed than a problem with the tech.

WEMO Pausing on Matter

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Well, many of us have said all along that greed will ultimately be the thing that keeps Matter from reaching its full potential, so this isn't much of a surprise to read TBH.


Wemo are like that anyway, EoL'ing services for perfectly good products. Clearly they are thinking about the Cloud services income they'd miss out on by implementing Matter.


I am new to hubitat - how to I get the Tapo P125M to integrate with hubitat. It works fine with Smartthings? Any help appreciated.

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