Wifi Dongle - Not installing WIFI drivers

I can not install the wifi drivers, when I push the button "install wifi drivers" it is just showing "working on it" and a blue circle keeps spinning, there is also a green circle spinning from time to time in the top right corner, I wait for literally 2 hours and nothing changes.
this is the info of my hub:
Platform Version

Hardware Version

Rev C-5
any help ?? thank you

the dongle i will use is this:

and the ota cable is this"

as per recommendations from hubitat (i already bought both andhave it in my hand).

@gopher.ny may want to ring in here, but from what Iโ€™ve seen this could be a result of either no cloud connectivity (needed to grab the drivers) or a connection speed issue - believe you should be using the autonegotiated setting under Setttings|Network Settings.

Thank you for the quick response.
I switch to auto negotiate
I reboot the hub
it gives me this error:
Error: status code: 500, reason phrase: Server Error

it gave that error before i change the auto negotiate

but I updated the hub to the most recent version a couple of days ago
without any issue, any other suggestion ?

thank you

I have an idea on the 500 error, but Iโ€™ll let @bobbyD or @gopher.ny respond so that I donโ€™t confuse things if Iโ€™m a little off base.

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Can you PM me the hub id or its MAC? I can check the engineering logs on the hub.

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sure, right away
thank you

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This needs a fix, which is coming in the next build.


Thank you for your help

Now is working fine, Thank you

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