Wifi contact sensor - help needed

Hi, I'm a newbie to HE, and couldn't find clear information about integrating wifi contact-sensors I've purchased before.
I have one installed in a garage door and, in the night, when it opens, get a smart switch (flashed with tasmota) ON.
I prefer not to use IFTTT integration, but if there's no other way, ok.
Sorry if there's a related post somewhere in the community, couldn't find it.

What is the make and model of the WiFi contact sensors. Do you have the Tasmota device already integrated with HE?


I’ve used WiFi Tuya contact sensors, and they work ok, although response time is a little slow, and you have to use the Tuya integration, which is a pita because sometimes it just quits working and you have to use Tuya IoT Platform (Cloud) integration.


Maker: Shenzhen CIGNA Safety Technology
Model: AW201
Yes, Tasmota Device already integrated, and working.

Those appear to be Tuya based. I think your best bet is to search for Tuya based Wi-Fi drivers and see if any of those are compatible with your device.

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Well, as an advance to this toppic, I used the "alexa approach".
Created a virtual contact sensor, using this driver :

with alexa integration, shared this virtual sensor to alexa, and created two alexa's routines, to get sensor on and off. And it works!
At least now I can use that contact sensor inside HE.
Any other ideas are welcome.
Thanks to all!

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Contact sensors are so cheap, I would replace it with a zigbee one. The xfinity ones are great and can be had for about 4 bux each on ebay.

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Yes, it's just I've purchased them before HE. With time, I'll replace them.

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