Wife-proof presence sensor?

Right but if she’s manually switching now isn’t it likely because a foreground isn’t working? Not sure she would do that if it’s an app running in the background. But if if actually switches then probably moot since it would still drop the wifi connection.

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Good point.

Although if one made use of wifi assist (and it actually works as intended), it would only temporarily disconnect the phone from wifi, only while it’s acting slow anyway, and then automatically reconnect when the connection improves or the user puts the phone to sleep.

Could still be an improvement over manually turning wifi off, and then probably forgetting to turn it back on for a while.


Face recognition on the way in and out :rofl:

Some form of Bluetooth also maybe (although she could also turn that off). There’s an app called Automate on Android that I’ve played with before that IIRC can sense a known Bluetooth device and also GET an endpoint (and thus can drive an RM rule).

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