Why is editing a rule so hard? (And backup/restore of rules, too)

You can. The part you are trying to edit is called a condition (an expression is some combination of one or more conditions and operators), and you can do that if you back up a page (hit "Done Editing Expression" -- don't use your browser's Back button) and go to the "Manage Conditions" page.

Note that this will affect any expression where you have used this condition, possibly not just this one, in the event that you have referenced this same condition in multiple places (one advantage of this approach).


Wow! Clearly I need more education on this Rule Machine! I see that you're right and I can make edits there, thanks!

Still have to wrap my head around "conditions".

In simple terms, conditions are just states, whereas triggers are events.

Trigger = XY switch turns on
Condition = XY switch is on

As Robert says above, the Manage Conditions section really shines in cases where you're using the same condition multiple times w/in a rule... When you need to make a tweak to that condition, then you just have to do it that one place (instead of digging around multiple places w/in the guts of the rule).