My nightly backup file size is currently ~32MB. A month ago it was ~20MB. I haven't added any devices in the interim. And I've actually reduced the number of rules.
Yet, the size of this file keeps creeping up in size. Just in the last five days its crept up from ~30MB to ~32MB.
events are pruned 2AM local time every day.
The system leaves 1K max of the most recent events in the system after the prune, where 1K is measured by device:attributeName pair.
If you backup after the prune, shouldn't the size basically plateau at some point (within some noise band, as not all events are the same size), though?
And maybe it does - I don't watch my backups closely enough to know if they are continually growing or not. So I'm not saying there is a problem, I was just thinking out loud.
@mike.maxwell reviving this thread, because I just noticed my backup file size growing and started wondering. Is there a mechanism for flushing all log entries before backing up? Seems odd to back up (and potentially restore) historical events... under what scenarios would it be useful to restore event history?
historical events are used in some apps, numberOfButtons being one example, zone motion manager uses them to determine the last event times for motion detectors...
while in general the main purpose for event values is processing rules in real time, previous values do have purpose.
@aaiyar: probably my logs are continuing to grow because the history is short (setup is new and only stabilized two weeks ago)
@mike.maxwell... thanks! I didn't realize zone motion manager was using logs for this. I guess I assumed some internal state variables were responsible and a system reboot would mean reset of these values. Good to know it's more intelligent and should restore to the correct logic after a reboot.