Why do I have to make a device secure? (zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true)

C7, version 2.2.8.

I was just putting in a new type of device (for me). It's a zwave plus, line/load sensing, no neutral dimmer from Jasco. It was very easy to install (the box is much smaller).
As soon as I flipped the dimmer, it was immediately recognized, and it asked me to put in the dsk (first part). It's only a dimmer in a non-essential part, so instead of putting in the code, I just hit the Skip button.
Back it went to the zwave inclusion screen, but it didn't have anything on it!
Of course, 50 seconds later, times up!
The following is the excerpt from my logs as to what happened:

For some reason, it just didn't register! No indication of anything on the inclusion screen. Nothing!

Oh Oh! I said to myself - ghost device created!
Fortunately, I excluded the ghost device on my first try.
In the end, I paired it with S2 securely.

Does anyone know why this has to happen?
Why is there no notice on the inclusion screen that something is wrong and a ghost created?
Why did my zwave mesh respond with a "Busy message"? What is a "Busy message"?

If you keep seeing the "busy" message, try a shutdown (from Settings), then disconnect power for at least 30 seconds before reconnecting it to restart. The idea behind this is to totally power off/reboot the Z-Wave radio, which a "regular" reboot won't do. This was often recommended for problems in the early days of the C-7 and should be less necessary now, but it can't hurt to try once. You could also try just waiting a few minutes or so to see if the problem goes away. I'm not exactly sure what causes it, but my guess is that the Z-Wave radio is trying to do something else (e.g., finish including/pairing a device) and I tried to do something else too fast (remove a failed pairing, for example). I'm not sure there's enough information for us as users to really see why this is happening, but perhaps Support can offer additional insight.

Regarding the failed pairings, it sounds like you're checking Settings > Z-Wave Details for these, which is good--phantom entries there have also been known to cause problems, It would be nice if there was more communication between the Z-Wave side of things and the UI to know that things didn't quite work as expected here, but I've made a habit of keeping Logs open during pairing and checking Z-Wave Details after each attempt just to make sure everything worked as expected.

It's odd that your device tried to pair securely even after you hit "Skip," but I've seen a few reports of that here and not sure I've found any solution; the best advice I've seen is to do whatever action as soon as possible (hit "Skip" or enter the DSK) as there seems to be a timeout, and failure is more likely the longer you wait. Some users (more knowledgeable on Z-Wave than me) have reported that some devices are also apparently not well tested with S2 and might behave poorly when paired securely--a firmware issue on their side, most likely, and on the hub side the best you can do in that case is probably pair without security if the device allows it and you are OK with that (this is still probably how the vast majority of Z-Wave networks are set up given the new-ness of S2-capable hubs). But not a lot you can do about that, at least not without a secondary controller, if the hub doesn't let you even when you say not to...

There is unfortunately so many ways this can happen, and not many of them we get any kind of response from. The error you specifically had is usually recoverable, we attempt discovery despite this error and usually get a valid device created. In this particular case it looks like bootstrapping took longer than the timer, this can be recovered sometimes by starting the inclusion back up, or by clicking discover on the new node on z-wave details page.

This comes from the SDK.. It will respond with busy if any network management commands are sent while it is busy doing another network management task.

@bcopeland :joy:
Please understand that I'm not blaming you, or Hubitat but in my humble opinion, the zwave inclusion process/procedure needs to be dramatically improved.
I don't know if its the sdk, or something else.
The process/procedure should be very easy to use, and it should be relatively "fail safe". It should work successfully in the overwhelming majority of cases.
It appears to me that it was much easier on a c5 than it is on the c7.
This is not a "show stopper" - after all, I eventually did get my devices included, and this issue in no way affects the day to day operation of the hub. Nonetheless, it's a real pain.
Good luck on your improvements to the process/procedure.

I didn't take it as such..

No argument here..

It was a bit.. There is a considerable more processes that happen during an inclusion with S2 even if S2 inclusion is declined.. And this process breaks down more than I would like.. Sometimes it is a device issue, sometimes it is a SDK issue.. I'm hoping the SDK update will help with this for at least some of the inclusion issues..

Glad to hear it..


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