Why are simple relays so much of a problem?

Sounds great, I'm pretty sure from what I'm reading it will be perfect.
Thanks for reading and replying!

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Here's a photo of one of the Konneced NodeMCU boards connected to my sump pumps referenced in the other thread. They also control little 5V or 12V relays just fine, though there isn't much protection for a high motor load on the relays. They really are handy universal input boards. These boards can read temp inputs as well with DS18B20s or Temp/RH with DHT22s. The one connected to my sump pumps in the utility room has a number of daisy chained DS18B20 temp probes going to my HVAC system. They are stuck into the air flow on my two furnaces so I can read supply and return air temps and know if my AC's are running properly (one kept leaking freon in the past). The older NodeMCU boards fit nicely in these little project boxes from Amazon and just require a hole drilled for the AC adapter plug (black bit leaving box at the top right of the board).


Thanks for the reply,
All I wanted to do is monitor 6 door switches from a former security system. I was able to get one of the inexpensive single relays to work very nicely with Smarthings but Hubitat didn't work with at least 4 different ones. It's a shame some I tried were supposed to work but didn't.
I did order the Konnected Pro, it should be here tomorrow.

These should work with Hubitat too.

Please post the devices details (model and manufacturer) from the device web page.

Update: I just read your previous posts that you have returned these devices, so probably you can’t provide the data needed to identify them. Just be aware, that what uniquely identifies a Zigbee device is its Model and Manufacturer, as reported to the Zigbee hub when first paired. Hubitat inbuilt drivers in addition try to match the device capabilities (from the reported inClusters list). So most probably these 3 devices did not work in HE because the right driver was not found automatically? Sharing the Model and Manufacturer here will help finding the right driver in many cases.


Its too bad that these simple relays are all that's available, I used the 'Sparkle iot' one with smart things for a sump pump float input, didn't need the relay but it was inexpensive.
Too bad. these aren't 'plug and play' with Hubitat.
If Hubitat wants to grow they have to make the device for 'everyone' like a toaster. If people had to find and load code I'll bet everyone wouldn't have a toaster :slight_smile:
I ended up going with the $229 'Konnected' when I could have used (6) $15 zwave or zigbee relays.
Thanks for your reply.

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I think that your expectations that every hub will work with all the devices made by different manufacturers that do not follow the standards are not achievable. This mostly apply for the inexpensive Zigbee devices made by unknown companies.

On the funny side - recently I read a complaint, that one of the most powerful home automation hubs - the new Homey Pro did not work out of the box with the devices produced by a local company somewhere in the US, called ''Lutron'. Who ever uses Lutron in Europe? :rofl:

On the flip side, most of us didn't start with Hubitat as our platform. We started with one of the "for everyone" platforms and moved on when we [quickly] reached the limits of what they could accomplish. At least that's been my experience.

Two Zooz ZEN16 devices would've cost about $70 USD as long as all your input signals are in one or two locations.

Like any business, the more you sell the more staff you can afford.. I'd love to see a full-time User interface person. The BUILT in interface could be so slick. I've tried 3rd party UI but not for me.
The built in UI works but could be too much better.
I did try the Zen16, I purchased it because of 3 inputs but one or two of the real basic features were not there. There was no way to reverse the input status to NC or disconnect the relays (which I didn't need).

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Then you want the ZEN17. 2 inputs, 2 relays. Inputs NC or NO. Inputs disconnectable from relays. Inputs either dry contact or low voltage.

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Bill, thanks for the reply.
Works but not without lots of frustration.
I thought this was perfect to connect to my abandoned alarm system wires. But out of the box you can’t configure the multitude of settings.
You need to download and install companion code.
And fuss around to get it working. I gave up after about 8 hours of...

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