Who's using their RGBW bulbs for christmas lights?

What settings are you using for red (hue/Sat)? Everything I try is coming up a shade of purple or deep pink. looks more like Easter than Christmas!!

Conversely, does anyone know how to convert a hex code to use? I cant figure out how to just put in the code or the RGB value. Thanks!

Here is the red I would like to use. https://www.color-hex.com/color-palette/1051

Looking at that, it's hue: 100, sat:100. There are conversion functions for use in apps, haven't put much thought into manual conversion... Often the colors come out subjective on different bulbs anyways... You can get a starting point, and tweak from there.

Thanks! That was much closer than what I was doing. close enough to make the wife happy! where would one find some of those conversion tools? I keep finding color pickers, but nothing that points towards a hue and saturation value.


I was thinking of these internal Hubitat functions:

Should be pretty straightforward to whip up a Hubitat app that uses this to do a conversion, or maybe there's a similar tool online somewhere...

Hue in Hubitat is on a scale of 0-100... Some formulas use a 0-360 scale (for a color "wheel"). This example driver provides some approximate mappings of hue to a color name on the 360 scale (so divide by 3.6 to get a hue value to try in Hubitat): https://github.com/hubitat/HubitatPublic/blob/master/examples/drivers/LifxColorBulbLegacy.groovy#L357-L388

Saturation, in my understanding, is essentially the percentage of the "mix" that is color, with the balance/remainder filled by white - so a low saturation will be pale, while sat:100 is a bold color

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It's currently Advent, and today wraps up the third week of Advent, and the liturgical color is rose/pink/dark purple, so tell your wife you actually had the color nailed!

1st, 2nd, and 4th weeks are purple.

You can use Garden Hue from HPM to change your colors and set it for xmas colors. You can choose to cycle them as well..

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