Who unlocked the door

I have used Hubitat for years and still love it today. I have had HA running my Solar system.
I recently integrated Hubitat with Home Assistant. I have Pushover on Hubitat and HA. Both work great. I would like to add the same information in HA as I do in Hubitat.

Notify Pushover: 'Felshaw Garage entry door was just unlocked by %value% at %time%'

Has anyone used Pushover in HA and can get it to order like Hubitat?

I would like to get the Value and Time in my pushover notification from HA

Seems like this would be a good question to ask the Home Assistant community.


Oh, and they are always so helpful and friendly. :grinning:


Are you trying to replicate the same notification in HA? Or are you trying to make a new notification (similar to the Hubitat one) for a device you only have in HA?

Do you have separate access codes for each household member and for trusted friends and relatives?

Access codes are tracked, so you should be able to match names to codes as long as they are individually assigned.,

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Yes. I would like to see if HA can send a Pushover message with the same information as Hubitat does.

Yes each person has their own code.


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