Which virtual device type for alexa?

Well, yes, those who know me know that I spend a lot of time trying to think outside the box especially when connecting disparate ecosystems.

The last approach I would throw out to you is having Alexa, as part of a routine or verbal command, set a device to a specific state, such as dimming a virtual light to a certain level, say 60.

You might then have a rule that triggers exactly when that light's level equals 60 and then you're off and running.

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To “integrate” with Alexa could mean two things. Do you want something that happens on the Alexa side (e.g, you say “Goodnight”) trigger actions on Hubitat. Or, do you want something that Hubitat initiates to trigger an action on the Alexa side (e.g., you are now in Away mode so you want the robot to start vacuuming).

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Now were talking!

I created a virtual dimmer, added it to the Amazon Echo Skill, created Alexa Routines to set the dimmer to ON@100, ON@50, and OFF based on the utterance, "turn on/off heat/cool" and created the following Hubitat Rule and I can now control my thermostat mode via Echo!

:heart: @LibraSun for the out-of-the-box thinking!