What's the secret to changing drivers for devices shared via Hub Mesh?

@bravenel I've just recently started trying Hub Mesh, and had some issues on the second hub when I changed the driver for the device on the hub the device is paired to. The shared device on the second hub didn't seem to know that the driver had been changed, still showed the original driver), and I couldn't get the created device on the second hub to update to the new driver.

Can someone explain the rules of engagement here w/driver changes for hub mesh devices?

I have been using Hub Mesh for a long while now and pretty sure I have done this and didn't have any issues. Maybe it updates after the 2 minute (or whatever " Full remote device sync interval" you set). Tagging @gopher.ny as he has been the staff member to respond to most all of the Hub Mesh questions.

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Thanks...I had tried forcing a sync w/the button on the Hub Mesh page, that didn't seem to do anything, the other hub where the device was loaned to kept showing the previous driver. Hopefully Victor can confirm the best approach.

It would also help to know if there is a difference between a sync started on the "source" hub that owns the devices and a sync on any other hub using Hub Mesh. Or if you have to force a sync on all hubs if you want to speed the catch up after a change and not wait the two minutes.

The full sync should be done of the hub that has linked device. But it should also broadcast a "full" message if a driver changed. I'm going to play around with it, there may very well be some flawed logic there.

Edit: can't reproduce it so far. Once a change is made on source hub, linked device appears to change. And if hub mesh is disabled at the moment driver is modified, next full refresh (manual or scheduled) brings it over.


Thanks, Victor, for the additional info, and for checking into the driver change logic, I appreciate it.

I'll dork around w/it (changing drivers) and see if I can get it to happen again.

What device is it. I had trouble with a Zooz Zen34 a few months ago. It would keep cycling “hub mesh disabled/enabled”, and the driver change wouldn’t sync. I never figured out why, just removed/excluded it and rejoined it and all has been well since. Funny thing is that this is the only reasonably fast z-wave device I have. I only use them as button controllers on some of my inside lights because the response time is unacceptable to me for motion lighting, which is much of my setup.

This is an e-Wand blinds motor, a Zigbee device. My experience was the driver would not update on the C7 that the wand was shared to, but I didn't lose the mesh for other devices. I changed drivers on the other devices (they were all Z-Wave, iBlinds motors) and those did update.

On the hub the device is shared to is where I kept seeing the cycling of enabled/disabled for hub mesh. No other devices were effected and rebooting didn’t fix it. It happened after changing to a custom driver; although I am still using the same custom driver (because it’s awesomer).

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I am having this issue right now with a Zooz power switch. I installed a second power switch on my C7 a week or so ago, The one that was already on the hub was using a custom driver Zooz Power switch /state, apparently since one was already installed it used that same driver for the new one. I shared the new power switch via hub mesh.

After everything was setup I realized it was using the custom driver. I didn't want to use the custom driver for this application and switched it to the built in driver.

I just realized today, that on the C7 everything appears ok, but on my C5 that I am sharing this device with it stills shows the device page for the custom driver. The type shows it is using the correct driver, but the actual device page on the C5 does not match the device page on the C7.

Also the custom driver created two child devices and I can't remove them on the C7, although they are not used anymore.

Have you tried forcing a sync on the Hub Mesh page w/the Sync now button?


I had not, but it was installed about a week ago, so it should have had time to sync. I did go and click the sync about 10 minutes ago and it still shows the wrong device page.

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Yeah, when this happened to me the sync option didn't help either. I think I ended up having to "unmesh" the device and then put it back on hub mesh again later, and I think I rebooted both hubs. May have put a tin-foil hat on as well... :wink:

I had this problem with a Zooz Zen30 and the custom driver. Very strange that I haven't had this happen with anything else.

I wonder if linking it to a different (but same type of) device, then back to the original would work?

I am having this issue again. I had a color strip on a device hub and shared the LED strip on a rules hub, I removed the device on the device hub which left an offline device on the rules hub that shared the device through hub mesh. I am now using a switch but I didn't want to have to re-do all the rules. So I just used the keep current device link and switched it to the new device. The device is connected as I can change the on off state on the hub that actually contains the device and the state on the shared hub changes. On the shared hub if I turn the light on and off the actual device does not get updated, however Also the dashboard can not be used.

I have tried several syncs on both hubs.