What's the recommendation for a simple on off switch?

I have to replace a switch in a bathroom where we only want on/off. I do use it to trigger an automation to turn on other lights in the bathroom. Dimming/scenes not needed. What is the recommendation for a simple switch? Z-wave or Zigbee. Thanks.

What...? You looking for a new reference? Alternative?

Just making sure everything is ok? :slight_smile:

I have several of the GE Embrighten toggle style for use as simple switches. I believe GE resolved the previous capacitor issue and these have worked without issues for four years. I do like the optional lighted toggle. I enable that to know when lights I cannot see are on. I notice the Embrighten is no longer showing any affiliation with GE.

This guy's in Europe, so that Z-wave switch might not be available there.

I missed that in the post.

And I forgot they made a Zigbee version, lol.

Nope - NJ


I bought a bunch of Zooz ZEN73 800LR toggle style switches lately.
They've been working well.
I did modify some (they're the toggle style) so that the 4-color led is more visible.
So, for instance, in the bathroom, if I disable motion by clicking on the toggle up 3 times, a blue light comes on.
For paddle style the 4 color led is more visible, I believe, so no mod required.

edit: 10% off this week, how 'bout that.

Ah.... The world is ok,,,, :slight_smile:

When my old GE's die, I replace them with Zooz. I have had good luck with the Zooz switches.


For lower cost, Zooz, for features, Inovelli.

I agree with this assessment but, at least for me, every time I look at purchasing devices from Innovelli they are out of stock.

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That is the major PIA with them. They're slowly getting better in that arena. They have more products coming, so the manufacturer has to balance developing new and producing existing.

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Zen71’s look good. I have most of the high traffic high use areas installed with more sophisticated switches. Sometimes you just need an on/off and don’t need to pay >$50

I'm no expert, but one says S2 and the cheaper one doesn't, although they both say 800LR. Hubitat requires, far as I know, S2 to include as LR. If you're not using LR, then it doesn't matter.

I ordered the non S2 version. It still says it’s long range. I don’t need long range but it can’t hurt.

Without starting a debate on this as there are plenty of other threads on this - I generally avoid pairing with S2. My assumption is if you don’t need the added security then keep it simple.

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If it's an LR-capable device, then it must be S2-capable -- that's not a Hubitat thing, it's a ZW-spec thing. Any LR device can be paired mesh or LR -- it doesn't have to be paired LR. If you pair it mesh, you can pair it S2 or no-security.

But there's nothing to fear about S2 these days (LR or mesh) -- the hiccups of its early days have long been resolved.

S2 offers better error-checking, which can be particularly nice if said devices connect at 40 kbps or less.

~1/3 of my ZW devices are paired LR, and the other mesh devices are all S2 -- I've been using all-S2 for years now. I don't care about S2's better security, I just want the better error-checking if my mesh were to get wonky for some reason.


Just switched and ordered S2s!

Are you talking about the ZEN71 vs the ZEN76? And claiming that the ZEN71 somehow doesn't support S2? If so, that would be incorrect.

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If you're comparing the ZEN71 to the ZEN76, (or any other currently available Zooz in-wall switch, for that matter,) buy which one fits your install application the best. Everything current is 800LR, and the available choices for connection to the hub are the same.

ETA: I suppose I should answer your original question. AFAIK, the major difference between the ZEN71 and the ZEN76 for an on/off lighting application is that the ZEN71 is not capable of wired 3-/n-way operation, and the ZEN76 is.

I can recommend the ZEN71 for a single-switch application, and it does throw off button events with paddle presses, so it sounds like it will be useful for your application. (And since you've already ordered the ZEN76, I think it will perform equally well, you just spent ~$5 for the n-way application you may not need.)