What’s the best automation you find the most useful

Sharing a proud high WAF automation we did this week.

Context: I have very young kids, and they have started to silently exit their room after we put them down. We caught our son sitting silently on the stairwell watching the TV we were watching which isn't age appropriote. We lucked out that for those 5 min nothing truly horrible happened beyond bad language.

I installed a contact sensor on their door. I now have a RM rule that when their door opens when we are in "Kids sleep mode" which is 7:30-10:30pm, the downstairs light will slightly turn on then dim back off (like a soft-flash), and if the TV is playing, pauses the show we are watching thanks to the awesome Roku integration.

Last night it worked perfectly, caught both our kids at different times tiptoeing out of their rooms to spy on mom and dad, warned us via our phones and the light (I saw my phone, the wife saw the lights first), and our show paused automatically.

The WAF was stellar when she saw the auto-pause. Love it.