What’s everyone using for contact sensors?

I use mainly the Ecolink Door Sensors. They're Z-Wave Plus. They're a little big, but I've never had any problems with them, and the batteries are still showing 100% after 2 years. They also have included brown covers if you have dark colored doors.

I also have 2 Monoprice Recessed Door Sensors. They're practically the same thing as the Aeon Recessed Sensors, except a lot cheaper. They also work flawlessly. I have had to change one of the batteries so far. No issues getting them in/out.

I like drilling holes in things, so if I ever have trouble with the Ecolinks, I'll happily swap them out for recessed.

Is anyone using any Zigbee door sensors? I'm wondering if they're any order of magnitude faster than the Z-Wave options.

I really like the Visconic MCT-340 E (zigbee) contact sensors. I have 5 of them and they're pretty small ; 2.6" tall X 1" wide X .4" thick (66mm x 25mm x 10mm) and unobtrusive. Battery (CR2032) life has been approx one year and they have pretty quick response time that I'd estimate at 1-2 seconds.


Nice. Lol

I didn't see that when I was using them on ST. On mine the battery went down I think 10% in almost 2 years service (but that does not mean it would really get 10 years life though).

I am using these as well. They are working excellent for me.

I have 4 of the Xiaomi sensors and 3 of the ST multipurpose sensors.

The Xiaomi sensors actually work great for me. I felt like they always reported super quick. I have several of the iris zigbee outlets I got in clearance. So getting them to pair with the hub instead of one of the outlets was a challenge but I seem to have them all working as of now. I just ordered 2 Aeon recessed sensors to try out. Which will happen as soon as I grow the balls to strat drilling in a brand new house and have the opportunity to do it with out the wife noticing lol.

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A piece of dowel and some wood filler covers up mistakes quite nicely! :wink:

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not if you wobble and have the drill exit out through the wall board. :frowning:

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On ST never had a problem either - never worked out what was going on with HE.

Just got my 2 Aeotec Recessed Door Sensors in. Can’t get them to pair. Exclude. Reset. Do anything at all actuall. LED stays on 100% of the time. Even let it sit for a couple of hours. No change. Is there a trick to these thinks or something?

I have 8 of them and just got a 9th the day before yesterday. Joined instantly and I'm 20+ ft and 2 walls away from the Hub. If the led is on, click the button. It should go out. Press and hold that button for 20 seconds to factory reset.

Exclude two times

  1. Goto Settings > Z-Wave Details
  2. Click Z-Wave Exclude
  3. Within 30 seconds, push the Z-Wave button with a paper clip

Join to HE

  1. Goto Settings > Discover Zigbee and Z-Wave Devices
  2. Push the Z-Wave button with a paper clip

Already tried all that. Doesn’t matter if I hold the button down for 20 seconds or 20 min. No change. LED stays lit. Tried doing and exclude on Hubitat, ST, and even tried on my Z-Wave Stick. Nothing.

Just says to push the button, not hold when joining or leaving the network. Hold 20 sec is only for factory reset.


  1. Unplug the ST hub.
  2. Exclude, then factory reset. Do that two times.
  3. Move the sensor to it's final location and ensure you have a mains powered Z-Wave device nearby.
  4. Click Discover Zigbee and Z-Wave Devices again, but just briefly push the button, don't hold it.

If they are z-wave plus and you have a good mesh, this shouldn't be necessary, but have you tried excluding and including the devices near the hub?

Isn't that button the tamper switch?

Yeah none of that has worked. Aeotec says they are probably bricked and to exchange them. I ordered some replacement batteries. So im going to try that and if its the same results they are going back.

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