Weird Mode issues

So my Modes are all time based and are acting weird. At midnight every night I have two Mode changes occurring > 1sec apart that ends in the wrong mode and causes lights to come on with motion detection.

Ideas or suggestions?


What's the rest of Mode Manager look like? Morning and Kids in Bed fired at the same time, not Night and Morning as circled in your screenshot.

Whoops, yeah I circled the wrong events but yes both triggered at the nearly the same time at midnight. As for the rest of Mode Manager; there is nothing set up.


I bet it has something to do with having "configure with daily settings" selected. This is an indication that you want it to do something each new day, which is midnight. Since you don't have anything selected under days of week, turn it off and see if that fixes it.

Hmmm, interesting thought. I'll try that. I was using that so I could set a different trigger time on the Weekends for Morning mode

Try removing the spaces in the mode "Kids in Bed". I am pretty sure spaces in those mode names have caused other user's issues in the past.

I have spaces in my mode names without issue.

"Home - Day"
"Home - Evening"


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