WebUI [randomly] unreachable (not dashboard)

Ok, I'm pretty sure I read a post about this a while back, but searching thru the forums now I can't seem to find anything which doesn't involve the dashboard UI being unavailable..

So, at times, seemingly random intervals, the WebUI is inaccessible to me. Both from the App/Tools/WebUI and directly from a browser of my choice. The hub still functions, rules are executed and I can access the dashboard and press buttons just fine.

If I reload the page a bunch of times it'll sometimes eventually load, other times I'll give it 10 minutes before I come back to what I was going to do and it just works right away.

There is no networking issue, verified by pinging the device as well as checking the switch management while this is happening. Also, like I said, loading the on device dashboards work just fine so..

Any ideas? It's becoming a major issue not being able to edit a rule when I want to rather than when the hub feels like it :wink:

When you use the browser are you using the IP address or a DNS entry? IP should always resolve if your network is responding like you say it is.

Tried both, but it's there, it seems as though the daemon running the webserver (I'm guessing this is different from the dashboard server?!) is too slow in responding. There's hardly any load on the HE though, so.. Hung daemon perhaps and some kind of heartbeat monitor is restarting it after N missed check-ins.

You didn't mention this, but you have a reserved (sometimes called a static IP) address in your router for Hubitat?

I hadn't, but swapped it out now. Shouldn't be the issue though, as the dashboard was available the entire time. We will see how it goes :slight_smile:

Nope, as I'm still running this in my "lab" and haven't swapped over fully from ST yet I haven't configured this in my DHCP server yet. But again, dashboard has been available, so should not be the issue.


So, no-one else remembers reading a thread similar to this a while back? Did I really imagine it.. Well, swapped out the ethernet cable now just to make sure I've crossed all the I's and dotted all the T's so we will see how it goes.