WebCore UI trigger indication

Every so often I get a piston that won't display the little lightning bolt on the trigger line (18).
I have tried most triggers/moved the logic around and this one says there are none.
This obviously makes me wonder if it triggers as coded.

I assume this is a blink camera? I’m not familiar with the device, however, within webcore when you select the subject of the “if” WC lists attributes, some are listed as triggers, some as conditions.
Are you choosing an attribute from the triggers section? That said, I believe that if there are no other triggers, WC will use a condition as a trigger if it can.

I am using the var or attribute "status', not sure what it's defined as internally.
Even if I use a plain trigger "changes to" I get a trigger warning.

Can you use a different attribute like Status (assuming this is David Snell's Blink driver)? @nh.schottfam is it possible to trigger on $status?

$status does not generate events (ie HE does not). it is calling the device.getStatus() method (effectively an read, but not an attribute)...

Thanks for the info. So basically things with the little "house" icon don't generate events?

When setting up in WC, a list of conditions and triggers is shown, see screen shot for a fibaro dimmer 2 module below. Some can be confusing e.g changed is a condition, changes is a trigger

I have moved this piston to an Execute in my Polling piston.

The ones that really confuse me, not from a programming POV, but from a UI perspective are the conditions that all look like triggers.
I realize these can all generate a trigger but I'm using them as conditions - e.g. switch is Off not switch changes to Off.

EDIT; Looks like WC UI is smarter than me :rofl:
I created a simple trigger and moved the conditions inside it and all the lightening bolts went away.
It obviously thought, Dumbass has no main trigger so I'll use the conditions..
I thought I would just get the usual Hey, Dummy, piston has no triggers so won't ever execute.