Webcore not responding to Physical Events (but handling digital)

Hi all,

I just set up Webcore this week (I am coming from ST) and got a new driver working for my Homeseer HS-WD200 switches.

If I click the "push" button in the device tab the code is triggering a webcore piston with a pushed event. I have a debug log entry in that function to confirm it fires.

But if I tap the device and trigger the same function (that generates the pushed event), webcore doesn't run.

Did I set up webcore incorrectly?

Here is the event code from the device handler (I also overrode "$buttonType" with "digital" each time, and it didn't change how things operate)

def tapUp3Response(String buttonType) {
    log.debug "3 Taps Up; buttonType: $buttonType"
    sendEvent(name: "status" , value: "Tap ▲▲▲")
	[name: "pushed", value: 5, descriptionText: "$device.displayName Tap-Up-3 (button 5) pushed", 
    isStateChange: true, type: "$buttonType"]

Sometimes when moving piston from ST you need to recreate the if statement that includes a button.

It would be easier to see if you post your piston in logs to see what is happening, but without that data my first suggestion is to recreate the if / trigger statement for the button you are using incase the import from ST included different button values

The button implementations are different ST to HE

Agreed. It seems Hubitat handles buttons differently than ST does. I do not have any Homeseer buttons, but have multiple ST buttons and was able to get those all working inside Hubitat.

I would recommend starting with a fresh Webcore piston and playing around with it until you can see the button responding correctly. My ST button piston logic looks like this.

Thank you for your suggestions. Just figured out that it was a bug in the device handler that was not generating the event for physical devices

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