Web UI integer inputs

For most of the integer input boxes throughout the interface there are the up/down arrows for increase/decrease or you can enter text.

Please STOP updating the whole page everytime the up/down is clicked. This is counter intuitive if you want to go from 5 to 10 and have to click, wait, click, wait. Also entering a number directly, once focus is moved the page again refreshes and I have noticed sometimes it will try to send a duplicate value.

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Thanks for the feedback, we have some limitations when an input calls for submitOnChange:true and hope to address those in future UI updates.

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I guess this falls into line (and I have not verified whether this is true in RM). Can we please allow for time intervals to be in seconds as well as minutes.

Example: turn off light if no motion for 30 seconds?

I believe this is because of the following from the RM User’s Guide:

• Rules, Triggers, Triggered Rules and Actions run selected Actions.
• Rules and Triggered Rules run Actions for True or Actions for False depending on Rule evaluation outcome.
• Triggers and Actions just run Actions.
Delay these actions [by minutes, seconds, or milliseconds, with optional cancel on change, or random time]
This selection causes all of the selected actions in a Rule (for Actions for True, Actions for False, or simply Actions) to be delayed. A delay of minutes or seconds may apply for any action. Delays of less than 60 seconds may not work reliably. A delay of milliseconds only applies for actions on, off, dim level, open, and close. For delays in Rules of minutes or seconds, an option to Cancel on truth change is available. If selected, should the rule truth change before expiration of the delay, the delayed actions are cancelled. A random delay is also available. This will be for a random number of seconds up to the delay time selected.

Yes… I would need more explanation. I always thought the 60 second jargon was due to ST limitations on sending multiple commands through the cloud.


I will pass this on the developer of Rule Machine. Not a bad idea, just never got to it…

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That’s actually bad documentation that applied to a different platform. There is no problem with short duration delays in Hubitat. I will fix the documentation!