Weather tile with forecast


I'm trying to setup a simple weather tile. I don't need much info on it. I just need two or three days and if its going to be sunny or rainy or something. No wind speed and humidity etc...

I've tried darksky driver and the built in one....but I don't see how to setup a basic forecast for three days (with icons maybe).

Something like in this picture e.g.

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You might consider using where they have a routine that generates a dynamic image for a 5 day weather forecast, that you can put into the image template tile, and refresh at, say, 2000 seconds, thusly:

(obviously the system generates a unique identifier for your chosen location, style of image, what parameters you want to include, etc) and results in (as an example)...

It looks great in a dashboard.


I have the same setup as @Angus_M with the 5 days from but I think @Matthew updated his code yesterday to support the 3 days forcast now.

Thanks for the info! New to HE and trying to get this to work on my dashboard. No problem with Theweather widget, but can't get image on dashboard. What "type of device" did you select when creating virtual device? Any other tips welcome. Thanks again.

just got this working new to HE dont select a device at all just an image tile

No virtual device is required. Just put the url generated at the website explained above into an image tile on your dashboard. Presto!

Hi where do you get the url ?

The link is near the bottom of the page.

If accessing from a mobile phone then use "desktop site" in order for the various options for forming your custom weather image to be shown.

Thanks for the help i found the widgets but cant seam to find the link all i get is following.

div id="openweathermap-widget-15"></div
script>window.myWidgetParam ? window.myWidgetParam : window.myWidgetParam = []; window.myWidgetParam.push({id: 15,cityid: '890299',appid: '35f78b720d48d3d497f261721c999e78',units: 'metric',containerid: 'openweathermap-widget-15', }); (function() {var script = document.createElement('script');script.async = true;script.charset = "utf-8";script.src = "//";var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(script, s); })();