Weather attributes

These are the current attributes presented by the Weewx & External driver (Currently using WU)
These should all be 'switchable' via my Weather Switch app

I am working on Max/Min temperature recorded today and Max/Min wind recorded today.

Once these are added to the driver I'll make them switchable via WS


You're a good soul. Just can't resist eh? :wink:

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This weewx driver uses either WU or Apixu (selectable)
I'll release it soon but will probably wait until I have completed the min/max stuff

Then I'll be adding them to WS

I'll continue to use my WU api until they stop me as WU gives me a bit more than Apixu


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This is currently what Weather Switch can act upon:



Andy, I'm in an old house and for the most part I've solved basement flooding issues, but if it comes down really fast, I'll get some water in the basement. Will you expose "rain_rate" to Weather Switch please, so I may setup a notification to check the basement when I return home if there's been a fast falling rain?

I'll need to write another handler method for this, but, yes I can do that for you.
I should be able to look at this in the morning


Thanks Andy. No rush. I'm able to get email notificaitons at the moment from the website, but I'm just looking to the future when I'm using Weewx and Apixu, where I won't be able to upload to anymore.

Updated Weather Switch 'child' to version 2.4.0 on github

Try that :slight_smile:


OOPs.. just discovered a typo... hang on a bit :slight_smile:

LOL. Go to sleep! It can wait. :grinning:

Done already!
V2.4.1 uploaded :slight_smile:

This version also includes much better remote version checking code for any future updates


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Thanks Andy. Expecting about 5 mm of rain tomorrow. I set the rate threshold to below 1 mm for the test. I will let you know if there are any issues.

[Edit] Set up another weather switch with threshold above 1 mm as well, just to cover all the bases. :grin:

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