Way to see alexa virtual trigger (virtual sensor created from skills) within hubitat

I use a skill in alexa (Virtual Routine Trigger) that is simply a kind of website monitor, could be used with api, that is linked with a sensor. It create a virtual sensor in alexa app that is triggered when condition is meet. For my par, I use it to monitor a cell from my google sheet, when changes occur, it trigger the sensor, so my routine...Its pretty cool but for now, I have other cell in my sheet that need to be sent to my webcore pistons... so I use google script to do it (when change, send webrequest to my piston to update variables from args...). But I would like to know if it haves any way to see those kind of devices in webcore? A kind of reverse integration... we can import hubitat to alexa, but it could be cool to be able to export alexa devices to hubitat, like we do with any othe integrations... So the virtual trigger could directly interact in webcore. If I want to do it right now, I need google script or a kind of intermediate virtual switch to be flipped when the sensor goes on...

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One of the device types permitted by the Alexa ecosystem is "Contact" (open/closed), so if you create a Virtual Contact on the Hubitat side, and share it with the Alexa app (by Hubitat), then run Discover on your Alexa app (by Amazon), she will have the ability to incorporate the VC into routines (as a trigger event) and such.

From there, would be trivially easy to include the VC in WC or RM as triggers or action targets.

FWIW, you don't need to code in GAS in order to pull Google Sheets data into WC or RM, if you follow the steps in this tutorial.

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wow! Thanks for this link, it could be usefull for monitoring my google sheet the same way I describe but directly from hubitat, I use it a lot with script to manage data... Do you know if it could be use to monitor values from website ? If possible then for website with login? It would gives direct access to cloud devices that not grant direct integration...

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Nope, I don't believe so. If you wind up going down that rabbit hole, I think you'd be better off coding in WebCoRE (instead of Rule Machine) since it can pull in (and parse) the JSON responses that most servers return. RM cannot.

As for logins, I'm unsure whether WC can authenticate (because I've never tried). I know there are lots of screen-scrapers and free API tools (RapidAPI, PipeDream, APILIO, etc.) out there that are indeed suited to HA applications, but I haven't personally attempted to pull fresh data into Hubitat from anything but maybe a Weather Wx service.

Keep us posted as to which way you go on this project!

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I already get it works from google script (store the cookies and log...and looks for the value in the html...assign it to a cell...) that works but I always try to improve so I was wondering... I tried it with webcore in the past but just cant make it works! Maybe with few more try! Its hard to know every step to do!

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You're welcome to make this a group effort, by giving us some screenshots or details of the workflow you're attempting to implement/refine. More brains on the job.

actually, just make api call to a website with login info and then access to a data from a page...(its a dashboard that tell if my routine from the app has run... but not sure if it could do the job because on gscript, I run the code every 10 sec because its geofence based... I pull out the time of the last run...add 5 h for the right time zone...then compare it to actual time and if its inside 15 sec range it turn a cell to 1 to trigger the update of the piston (webcore) and then return cell to 0.

Based on that info, I almost wanna lean you toward IFTTT since armed with variables and Webhooks (not to mention HE integration!), you might be able to create the "cascade effect" you need. Dunno for sure though. Eager to hear what others chime in with.

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