Water sensor *changed* trigger seems to only show as wet or not

I bought a dome water sensor, and I'm trying to setup a rule that if the sensor is wet AND the status is changed that I will get an alert.
I selected trigger events for the water sensor, and the main rule screen says OR, I'm pretty sure this is normal. When I go to actions, I see two conditions, both say Basement Water Sensor wet FALSE.
I try to add a conditional action that should be Basement sensor wet AND basement sensor changed, but changed is showing up as wet. What am I missing?

I would have been tempted to just have "water sensor becomes wet" as the trigger since the idea is that triggers (not conditions) already implicitly imply a change of state. But in fact the new terminology is "water sensor reports wet", so what you are trying to do may be entirely correct to avoid getting multiple notifications every time the sensor reports if it reports when nothing changed. So I'd just do it this way ..


where your notify actions are between the IF and END-IF.

Just looking at my Samsung Water Sensors, it appears that they only report wet or dry upon change of state. If your Dome sensor is the same, then all you need it "Water sensors [becomes/reports] wet" as the trigger, and your notify actions with no further conditionals needed.

You might want to look at the Hubitat Safety Monitor app.

Thanks, I was indeed trying to avoid the multiple notifications since I experienced something similar with a power meter rule for my washing machine. In hindsight the image you linked makes total sense.

I only have a few presence detectors and one water detector. Once I got more sensors I planned to use HSM, but it looks like it has water detection built in. I'll play around with that.

Besides HSM, there's also the built-in Notifications app. This app is purpose-built to send notifications for particular events, like water sensors reporting wet or dry, motion sensors becoming active or inactive, contact sensors opening or closing, and many others. For the example above, you will likely find it an easier alternative to Rule Machine.

HSM, of course, would also work. The difference with HSM is that it allows you to "arm" or "disarm" particular kinds of monitoring, so you could do that if there's ever a time when you don't want to monitor these sensors (though you could achieve a similar effect with Restrictions in the Notifications app or whatever conditionals you want in Rule Machine). If one becomes wet, HSM will also generate an "alert" state that you have to clear/cancel. Some people may like being able to view this status (I just find it annoying :slight_smile: ).

Finally, to directly answer your first question, it looks like you've got most of that figured out already. As was alluded to above, triggers match events: any event that gets generated (e.g., the sensor sending a "sensor wet" report) that matches a trigger will cause your actions to run. That is why the "OR" is there--to remind you that any trigger matching is sufficient. Multiple triggers, in fact, can't really match because they are all momentary, independent events. If you want to check states, that is what you can use conditionals for. So, in some sense, these two rules are equivalent:

Trigger: water sensor changed


IF (Water sensor wet) THEN
 // do stuff

... and ...

Trigger: water sensor wet


// Do stuff

"Changed" is basically a catch-all trigger for any event from the specified attribute (just the "water" attribute in the case above; not literally any event, e.g., battery from this device, which is not really apparent from looking at the trigger after the fact but should be intuitive from the category you selected to create this trigger in the first place). If you can get by with the latter (as you can here), that's usually simpler to write and perhaps a bit less work on the hub. In some cases, you may need the former or at least another way (e.g., a "Wait for event" in a rule like the second one) to know when it's dry again (e.g., if you want another notification then).

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