Washer Announcement Help

I have been trying for weeks now to get a Washing Machine announcement to work. None of the rules I have tried work consistently.

Here is the setup.

I have a sense energy monitor. I use a virtual switch with IFTTT to determine if my washer is on or off. Since the washer naturally has a on/off cycle, the virtual switch flips a couple of times per cycle.

This is my last attempt. In the past is appeared that the trigger event was only being evaluated once so I put in the repeat but I don't know if that is correct. Also I need a 2 minute delay before the announcement, I am hoping that on truth change it won't speak?

Trouble shooting this is awful because IFTTT doesn't properly register my sense monitor. I don't know if it is because the sense is flipping the state of the switch too fast or what. But often I have to manually set the switch to the correct position b/c IFTTT did get the message.

My announcements work fine. I've had the announcements go off to early in the cycle or never go off at all.

I am having the same problem with my clothes dryer announcement. I am hoping to copy/paste the same rule just change the switch.

Any help is appreciated!

You can't use that trigger! The rule only evaluates when the trigger is triggered, ie, right at the start of the washing cycle, when you turn the washing machine on.

You need to turn it into a rule.

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I tried forever to get this working. Then when I was looking on here I found the app “Better Laundry Monitor”

Worked first time.

Used the power threshold feature of that as I have power monitor plugs connected to both.

The hardest part of monitoring a load of laundry and seeing what the threshold should be.

I use message central app for my laundry.

I use sense as well! I use (2) virtual switches, zWasher which is tied to IFTTT and Washer which my Notification app watches. The reason I had to use two was Sense thinks the washer turns off multiple times during the washing cycle as the washing machine lets clothes soak, etc. This removes the false positives and announces correctly. See below.

RM Rule for zWasher and IFTTT

Notification app setting:

I can't sense power thresholds through sense to IFTTT. I tried to use that app but doesn't work for me setup.

I wished it work for my setup but again false positives end up being a problem.

I have tried your other rules you posted earlier.
I'll give this one a try and see if it is more consistent.

How do you get the option of "Pending off: Washer: 20 mins"

The easiest solution is to put a power sensor (plug) in. Then you can monitor the power and use that as a trigger for when the machine is on/off. I have Sense and never found it useful for triggers. I used a Zooz Zen15 for my washer with the following rule. The Zooz was $35 and it was worth it rather than trying to get IFTTT and Sense working together. Add to that both are cloud centric.

Delay with cancellation

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I understand but that adds up for every device. I am hoping some kind soul does a port for HE.

Otherwise I had sense working on home assistant, I'll go that route with MQTT for my next project.

Yes it can. Fortunately for me, I only needed the appliances and the fish tanks monitored. And, even then, I went with lower cost power plugs on the fish tanks as I wasn't dealing with as much amperage to start up the device. That ran me around $160, which has paid off both in WAF and keeping the fish alive when I forget to turn the filters back on after cleaning the tanks :wink:

I like Sense as when it works, it really works. The dark side for me is that when it doesn't, it really doesn't. It's cute that I can see the light bulb in my fridge come on, but It's never figured out the HVAC heater, spa and it's hit and miss on the car charger. You have the luck of the Irish.

I want to setup complex automatons like if it rains are my sump pumps going off. I am looking at monitoring the dish washer, clothes dryer, two sump pumps and three refrigerators with warnings or alerts. My sense does very well in monitoring this accurately. I'd rather not buy more devices for each outlet.

I had it working well with home assistant and reliably. I agree IFTTT with sense is junk.

Plus I am the W in the WAF so the hubby has little say in how I monitor the wash LOL

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I know that I’ve seen some posts somewhere here from a couple of python experts. You might be able to put a call out to the community, and perhaps someone can hook you up with a custom driver.

Here’s a beta driver for Sense on SmartThings. You could try porting this and expanding from there.

Thanks! I have looked at that and it requires a raspberry pi. Because of that I'll just run HA with the sense component.

There is also an unofficial API floating around. I was advised to use that but I don't know where to start with that.

This is unrelated to the problem in this topic, but I found the HomeSeer Indicator Light Sensors to be the easiest and most reliable way to detect when my washer and dryer are finished.

Most washers and dryers have an LED that stays on while the machine is running so all you have to do is stick the sensor's light probe over that LED and use the device's on/off events as triggers in Hubitat.


Now that is brilliant!!! Yes, the pun was intended.

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And they are on sale at the moment. I just wish they were “plus”.

Homeseer site says they are plus, under specs.