Video bell - wired, POE, video IP

Hi Guys, I tried googling, tried reading other threads but I just can't seem to find the right answer.

I have a gate that's about 55 yards from my house and I want to install a video bell that will work flawlessly with Hubitat to trigger actions upon ringing. The requirements are:

  • wired (too far for wifi)
  • preferably POE so I can run one cable to the gate
  • camera needs to be discoverable in local network (IP video?) so I can use the feed for other projects I have in mind, view it in the dashboard and not only in the doorbell app etc
  • great camera quality (+ low light performance) would be a plus

Perhaps some of you guys already own a perfect device for this or maybe there's a cool DIY project you came across and I didn't that would result in building the perfect video bell for me?

Appreciate any help here. Thanks!


I haven't seen a PoE doorbell... but what if you ran a real, honest-to-god, dry contact wire out to an old school doorbell, then connected the other end to a dry contact zwave relay like the zooz? That would at least take care of the doorbell.

It did cross my mind to separate the "bell" and "video" components of the device - I'd have a POE camera with IP Video, that would be always on or power up upon detected motion, broadcasting video to my LAN, and the doorbell would trigger the actual bell sound, display the camera feed to my dashboard and trigger some other actions I might want in the future. But still, I was hoping to find something working out of the box and tested.

Above however leads me to the point where I need to actually open the gate for the visitor - and how do I integrate this into my contraption without the need to have a physical dedicated button?

How does the gate open? If there's a contact on the gat that opens it, a Zooz relay might be just the ticket. Then you'd need at least a 4 wire conductor, 2 for the bell and another 2 for the gate. (I suppose 3 might work if they shared a common.)

Ubiquiti has one (G4 Pro). It was in Early Access the last that I looked, which was a few weeks ago.

GBF Upgraded Video Doorbell. POE, onvif, RTSP. I don't have one but I see all your check marks.

Thanks @Navat604 have to look into this device.

In the meantime I've also found a Hikvision IP camera (DS-KIS604-S) that looks promising.

You could run a PoE++ line out to the gate area. There, drop a switch like a USW Flex that can pass-through PoE+. Connect AP, cameras, gate control. Then use any WiFi doorbell camera. If UniFi, you could also integrate its controller with HE to provide event triggers when your phone or vehicle connects to WiFi at the gate.

Normal warning around lightning surge protection on that buried PoE line.