UtiliTech Water Leak Sensor

These things are very temperamental. I suggest that you factory reset the device before pairing to Hubitat. I would also reboot the hubbto be safe..

Here’s what to do.

  1. Remove the battery cover from the sensor.
  2. Press the connect button on the sensor 8 times. The unit should beep every few seconds.
  3. Remove the batteries for 5 seconds, then reinstall.
  4. Put the hub into inclusion.
  5. Press the connect button once then wait for it to connect. It may take upwards of 2-3 minutes to connect. Patience is key.

I’ve been able to succcessfully reconnect the half dozen of these I’m using. Good luck!

Ok, so here is what I did to get the thermostat paired (found on the Internet). This worked for me.

Step 1: Set the hub to exclusion mode.
Step 2: On the CT100 press Menu > Mate > Mate
Step 3: Mate will start flashing. Wait for the “Link” icon to disappear beneath the radio tower icon (approx. 30s)

Now you can pair the CT100 as usual.

Thanks to everyone who assisted with my issues!

Thanks for the Driver. It works great.

I have 3 of these devices; they were some of my very first ST devices I bought.
All 3 were successfully excluded from ST & added to Hubitat when I first got it almost 2 years ago.

The problem with these devices is that they are out of sight. And we all know that expression "out of sight out of mind"

I had a (relatively benign) event yesterday that forced me to re-eval all 3...
All 3 were at the time using the custom driver, with a wake up interval set of 3600 seconds (an hour)

Wake up? My @ss! These things sleep like the dead and wake up whenever they feel like it! All 3 of them have had report event intervals anywhere from several days to months, let alone hours!!!

At the very least I would have expected a battery update once an hour, or reporting the state (dry/wet). Yeah right! So what exactly do these things do when the wake up?

Before changing over to the generic z-wave water sensor, I also again "configured" them. They continue to function just fine as far as I can tell with the built-in driver, but there is of course no longer any configurable item.

The batteries in these things also appear to last forever. In almost 4 (5 ?) years the battery has only dropped down to 90% in 2 of them, the 3rd still reads 100%. I was hoping to use some kind of "customized RM thingy" (TM) (C) to look for a change in battery value & report on that, but at this rate I'll be dead before anything is reported. It also means that I cannot use Device Watchdog for both the battery and/or (lack of) event reporting.

Anybody got any idea on how to [for lack of a better description] ping them to see if they're still alive? In other words force any kind of an event - these devices are not easy to get at to physically do a wet test.


I have two of them. One using the Generic zwave water sensor driver and one using the custom one. The custom one is reporting battery very hour according to the past activity log. The generic zwave driver one last reported on 2/9 but it's also set to report every 3600 seconds. Not sure what's going with that one.

I'm going to remove one & place it within inches of the hub & see if it behaves...

I placed the device next to Hubitat magic box and nothing, no updates.

Also found this on the ST forums for edification.

No idea how to figure out after the fact if I have perhaps have defective units.

I switched the driver for the one using generic zwave water to the custom driver and now that device is showing battery every hour in the log too.

I found an updated driver on Tosa68's GitHub.
I've ported it to Hubitat, and it IS working for me just fine.
My battery updates occur along with regular wake-ups in the device's event logs!!!

Posting here if anybody wants to use it.

I really do NOT know Groovy. I hear "groovy" and I think 70's!

The Toggle Wake Up Status button generates an error in the logs initially. You must let the device go through an update cycle at least once before it will no longer give the error. It doesn't stop the driver from working though, afaik.

 *  Everspring/Utilitech Water Sensor
 *  Everspring Flood Sensor       ST812-2
 *  Utilitech Water Leak Detector TST01-1 (Lowe's)
 *  Author: tosa68
 *  Date:   2014-07-17
 *  ORIGINAL SOURCE: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tosa68/tosaSmartThings/master/devicetypes/tosa68/utilitech-water-sensor.src/utilitech-water-sensor.groovy
 *  Ported to Hubitat by GatVlieg
 *  Version 0.8 (2016-11-02): changes to (hopefully) catch all WakeUpNotifications
 *  Version 0.9 (2017-03-07): "passive heartbeat"
 *                            - i.e. option to report WakeUp in activity feed;
 *                            - option to always report Battery status in activity feed
 *                              (will report Battery changes regardless of this setting);
 *                            - confirm WakeUpInterval change in activity feed
 *  Version 1.0 (2017-08-14): added capability "Sensor" and "Actuator" for ActionTiles compatiblity (thanks @moritzes)
 *                            changed to multiAttributeTile layout (thanks @johnconstantelo)
 *                            added "Woke Up" tile to toggle display between time of last wake up and elapsed time since last wake up
 *  Version 1.1 (2019-11-18): minor code clean up and update to GitHub                          
 *  Features:
 *  1) Battery status updated during configure, at power up, and each wake up
 *  2) User configurable Wake Up Interval
 *  Configure after initial association happens before userWakeUpInterval can be set,
 *  so device will start with default wake up interval of 3600 sec (1 hr).
 *  To set userWakeUpInterval, from the mobile app:
 *    1) enter custom value in device preferences, then
 *         new interval will be set when device next wakes up
 *       OR
 *    3) press 'configure' when the device is awake:
 *         - either just after initial association (within about 10min),
 *         - after power up (remove/reinsert batteries)
 *  Copyright 2014 Tony Saye
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

preferences {
    // manufacturer default wake up is every hour; optionally increase for better battery life
    input "userWakeUpInterval", "number", title: "Wake Up Interval (seconds)", description: "Default 3600 sec (60 sec - 194 days)", defaultValue: '3600', required: false, displayDuringSetup: true
    input "alwaysShowWakeUp", "bool", title: "Report WakeUp", description: "Report when device wakes up in activity feed", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true
    input "alwaysShowBattery", "bool", title: "Always Report Battery", description: "Report battery status in activity feed whether or not it has changed", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true

metadata {
	definition (name: "Utilitech Water Sensor", namespace: "tosa68", author: "tony saye") {
		capability "Water Sensor"
		capability "Battery"
		capability "Configuration"
        capability "Sensor"
        capability "Actuator"
        command "toggleWakeUpStatus"
        fingerprint deviceId: "0xA102", inClusters: "0x86,0x72,0x85,0x84,0x80,0x70,0x9C,0x20,0x71"
*	simulator {
*		status "dry": "command: 9C02, payload: 00 05 00 00 00"
*		status "wet": "command: 9C02, payload: 00 05 FF 00 00"
*       status "wakeup": "command: 8407, payload: "
*       status "low batt alarm": "command: 7105, payload: 01 FF"
*    	status "battery <20%": new hubitat.zwave.Zwave().batteryV1.batteryReport(batteryLevel: 0xFF).incomingMessage()
*       for (int i = 20; i <= 100; i += 10) {
*			status "battery ${i}%": new hubitat.zwave.Zwave().batteryV1.batteryReport(batteryLevel: i).incomingMessage()
*		}
*    }
*    tiles (scale:2) {
*		multiAttributeTile(name:"water", type: "generic", width: 6, height: 4) {
*			tileAttribute ("device.water", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
*				attributeState "dry", label:'${name}', icon:"st.alarm.water.dry", backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
*				attributeState "wet", label:'${name}', icon:"st.alarm.water.wet", backgroundColor:"#00a0dc"
*			}
*		}
*		valueTile("battery", "device.battery", inactiveLabel: false, canChangeBackground: true, width: 2, height: 2) {
*			state "battery", label:'${currentValue}%\nBattery', unit:"",
*           backgroundColors:[
*			[value: 19, color: "#BC2323"],
*				[value: 20, color: "#D04E00"],
*				[value: 30, color: "#D04E00"],
*				[value: 40, color: "#DAC400"],
*				[value: 41, color: "#79b821"]
*			]
*		}
*       valueTile("wakeUpStatus", "device.wakeUpStatus", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
*            state "wakeUpStatus", label:'${currentValue}', unit:"", action: "toggleWakeUpStatus"
*            // green = #44b621; yellow = #f1d801; orange = #d04e00; red = #bc2323
*            // attention orange = #e86d13; battery green = #79b821
*        }
*		standardTile("configure", "device.configure", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
*			state "configure", label:'', action:"configuration.configure", icon:"st.secondary.configure"
*		}
*		main "water"
*		details(["water", "battery", "wakeUpStatus", "configure"])
*	}

def parse(String description) {
	log.debug "parse: $description"

	def parsedZwEvent = zwave.parse(description, [0x9C: 1, 0x71: 1, 0x84: 2, 0x30: 1, 0x70: 1])
	def result = []

    if (parsedZwEvent) {
        result = zwaveEvent(parsedZwEvent)
        log.debug "Parsed ${parsedZwEvent} to ${result.inspect()}"
    } else {
        log.debug "Non-parsed event: ${description}"

	return result

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.wakeupv2.WakeUpNotification cmd) {
    // Appears that the Everspring/Utilitech water sensor responds to batteryGet, but not wakeUpNoMoreInformation(?)
	/* Oct-2016: troubleshooting not getting wakeUpIntervalSet during WakeUpNotification
	/            Was trying to only send wakeUpInterval if it was changed, but sensor didn't seem to be getting command
	/            during wakeup; now sending wakeUpInterval and getting battery status for each wakeup period
	/            Note: some wakeUp events still seem to be missed, perhaps due to SmartThings latency? But shouldn't be a big
	/                  deal if a wakeUp here or there are missed since we're only setting wakeUpInterval and getting battery
	/                  status.
    //def result = [createEvent(descriptionText: "${device.displayName} woke up", isStateChange:  false)]
	def map = [:]
    def result
	map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} woke up"
	map.displayed = true
    if (alwaysShowWakeUp) { map.isStateChange = true } // always report Wake Up events in activity feed
	result = [createEvent(map)]

    // If user has changed userWakeUpInterval, send the new interval to the device 
	/*def userWake = getUserWakeUp(userWakeUpInterval)
    if (state.wakeUpInterval != userWake) {
        state.wakeUpInterval = userWake
        result << response("delay 200")
        result << response(zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpIntervalSet(seconds:state.wakeUpInterval, nodeid:zwaveHubNodeId))
        result << response("delay 200")
        result << response(zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpIntervalGet())

    // Always send wakeUpInterval and get battery status
	state.wakeUpInterval = getUserWakeUp(userWakeUpInterval)
    result << response(zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpIntervalSet(seconds:state.wakeUpInterval, nodeid:zwaveHubNodeId))
    result << response("delay 200")
    result << response(zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpIntervalGet())
    result << response("delay 200")
    result << response(zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet())
    state.lastWakeUp = now()
    return result

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.sensoralarmv1.SensorAlarmReport cmd) {

	def map = [:]
	if (cmd.sensorType == 0x05) {
		map.name = "water"
		map.value = cmd.sensorState ? "wet" : "dry"
		map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} is ${map.value}"
	} else {
		map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName}: ${cmd}"

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.sensorbinaryv1.SensorBinaryReport cmd) {

	def map = [:]
	map.name = "water"
	map.value = cmd.sensorValue ? "wet" : "dry"
	map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} is ${map.value}"

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.alarmv1.AlarmReport cmd) {

	def map = [:]
    def result
	if (cmd.alarmType == 1) {
        if (cmd.alarmLevel == 0xFF) {
		    map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} has a low battery alarm"
		    map.displayed = true
        } else if (cmd.alarmLevel == 1) {
		    map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} battery alarm level 1"   // device sometimes returns alarmLevel 1, 
		    map.displayed = false                                                 //   but this appears to be an undocumented alarmLevel(?)
        result = [createEvent(map)]
        result << response(zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet())                          // try to update battery status, but device doesn't seem to always respond
    } else if (cmd.alarmType == 2 && cmd.alarmLevel == 1) {
        map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} powered up"
		map.displayed = true
        result = [createEvent(map)]
	} else {
		log.debug cmd

    return result

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.batteryv1.BatteryReport cmd) {
	def map = [ name: "battery", unit: "%" ]
	if (cmd.batteryLevel == 0xFF) {           // Special value for low battery alert
		map.value = 10                        // will display (and alarm in mobile app) as 10% battery remaining, even though it's really 1%-19% remaining
		map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} has a low battery"
        map.isStateChange = true
		map.displayed = true
	} else {
		map.value = cmd.batteryLevel
		if (alwaysShowBattery) { map.isStateChange = true } // always report battery level in activity feed
		map.displayed = true

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.wakeupv2.WakeUpIntervalCapabilitiesReport cmd) {

    def map = [ name: "defaultWakeUpInterval", unit: "seconds" ]
	map.value = cmd.defaultWakeUpIntervalSeconds
	map.displayed = false

	state.defaultWakeUpInterval = cmd.defaultWakeUpIntervalSeconds

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.wakeupv2.WakeUpIntervalReport cmd) {

	def map = [ name: "reportedWakeUpInterval", unit: "seconds" ]
	map.value = cmd.seconds
	map.displayed = true


def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
    log.debug "COMMAND CLASS: ${cmd}"
    createEvent(descriptionText: "Command not handled: ${cmd}")

def configure() {
    state.wakeUpInterval = getUserWakeUp(userWakeUpInterval)

        zwave.associationV2.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId).format(),
        zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpIntervalSet(seconds:state.wakeUpInterval, nodeid:zwaveHubNodeId).format(),
    ], 200)


def toggleWakeUpStatus() {
    state.toggleWakeUpStatus = state.toggleWakeUpStatus ? false : true

private updateStatus(){
    def currentInterval = now() - state.lastWakeUp
    def minutesElapsed = (currentInterval/1000/60).toInteger()
    def hoursElapsed = (currentInterval/1000/60/60).toInteger()
    //def timeString = new Date().format("MM-dd-yy h:mm a", location.timeZone)
    def today    = new Date(now()).format("MM-dd-yy", location.timeZone)
    def lastDay  = new Date(state.lastWakeUp).format("MM-dd-yy", location.timeZone)
    def lastTime = new Date(state.lastWakeUp).format("h:mm a", location.timeZone)
    (lastDay == today) ? (lastTime = "Today\n" + lastTime) : (lastTime = lastDay + "\n" + lastTime)
    String statusText = "Woke Up:\n"
    if (state.toggleWakeUpStatus) {
        statusText = statusText + (hoursElapsed ? hoursElapsed.toString() + " hours " : minutesElapsed.toString() + " minutes " ) + "ago"
    } else {
        statusText = statusText + lastTime
    if (currentInterval.toInteger()/1000 > state.wakeUpInterval) {
        state.missedWakeUp = (currentInterval.toInteger()/1000/state.wakeUpInterval).toInteger()
        log.debug "current interval: " + currentInterval.toInteger()/1000 + "; wakeUpInterval: " + state.wakeUpInterval
        log.debug "# missed wakeups: " + state.missedWakeUp
    //log.debug statusText
    sendEvent(name:"wakeUpStatus", value: statusText, displayed:false)

private getUserWakeUp(userWake) {

    if (!userWake)                       { userWake =     '3600' }  // set default 1 hr if no user preference 

    // make sure user setting is within valid range for device 
    if (userWake.toInteger() <       60) { userWake =       '60' }  // 60 sec min
    if (userWake.toInteger() > 16761600) { userWake = '16761600' }  // 194 days max

     * Ideally, would like to reassign userWakeUpInterval to min or max when needed,
     * so it more obviously reflects in 'preferences' in the IDE and mobile app
     * for the device. Referencing the preference on the RH side is ok, but
     * haven't figured out how to reassign it on the LH side?
    //userWakeUpInterval = userWake 

    return userWake.toInteger()

Thank you so much. I tried everything before this. Was about to scrap it. Thank you!

I just bought 3 of the Utilitech water sensors. All 3 pair yet:

  1. Two report wet/dry correctly in Device/Event when tested, but the red led doesn't light up and no beeps.
  2. One does nothing when tested so I assume it's defective.
  3. All 3 use the generic Z-wave water detector driver.

The two that report correctly seem to be working, yet does anyone have a clue why they don't light up or beep?


I just tested two of mine (of 12 installed).
No beep, no light, but it trips.
I think the beep is just for low battery.
Edit: At least you know which one tripped. With the WaterCop Classic, you have to identify that faint beeping.
PS: I still haven't gotten a revised battery report. Maybe I'll try this driver, but I wouldn't want to sacrifice battery life either. They're somewhat of a pain to change.
PPS: I wonder, if it paired, maybe there's a break in the wire.

Thanks for replying, Velvetfoot.
All 3 units paired. None beep or light up when tested, and only one reports wet or changed status.

Here's from the manual:
"Upon leak detection, the Detector will beep, flash a LED light, and report the leak to the Iris™

The two that don't report status change did so intermittently in initial tests, yet now not at all. I did find the instruction sheet online, yet don't see a way to share it here.

I'll try again later. It could have been moisture wasn't sustained long enough.

I just tried two sensors I could get to easily. They beeped, quietly, but no flashing light. I recall they flashed when including.

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Is there anyway to reverse the signal on this device such that it will let me know when the contact is dry should I happen to want to know when a bucket of water is empty?

Yes, I think so. I just tried that with a simple automation rule.

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Thank you, I never realized the RM capability till now.

Gosh, I just love my Hubitat so much more each andevery day...dont tell my spouse I say that coz as far as she's concerned that's not in my vocabulary...ha!

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You're welcome. This is only simple automation, not rule machine.

It's good for me to check these things once in a while. The battery still reads at 100%, and I know that can't be true, lol.