I am looking for the cleanest way to turn on a light with two motion sensors.
- I have a motion sensor in my hallway and one in my bedroom.
-I want the bed room light dimmer to turn on only when the hallway motion sensor AND the bedroom motion sensor are active.
-Then depending on the mode, set the level of the dimmer when the motion is triggered.
I have used rule machine to get the hallway motion sensor and bedroom motion sensor to both have to be active to turn on the bed room light but can not fin an easy way to change the level based on mode.
In the motion lighting app, I can set the lights to turn on to a certain level based on the mode, but can not find a way to make it so both motion sensor are required to be active to trigger the bed room light on.
The idea for this is so that if I move around in bed the lights do not turn on, but if I were to get up and go to the connecting hallway and come back in the bed room lights would turn on.
Any ideas of the best way to go about this?