Using IFTTT to control a virtual switch?

I see lots of posts of people who use a virtual switch to trigger some rule at IFTTT but I want to do something the other way around. I want an IFTTT rule to switch on or off a virtual switch which I can then tie rules and notifications to.

I attempted to set this up using the Generic Z-Wave Switch virtual device. The device shows up in IFTTT and a rule I had set up triggered (IFTTT notified me to tell me so) but the virtual device never seems to have any state or activity.

What am I missing?

Just to be clear.

  1. You created a virtual switch
  2. You exposed it to IFTTT so you can turn the switch of and on
  3. Triggering it with IFTT isn't working?

Sounds like something is broken with your IFTTT connectivity maybe?

I don't use IFTTT outside of the webhook Ring integration, but that's a custom app.

You might be able to use RM and Webhooks to achieve this per: Internet Based Webhooks/Endpoints

What are you using for your trigger? I just ran some tests and SMS isn't working properly but Alexa is working fine.

Figured it out, I needed to use the "Virtual Switch" driver, not the "Virtual Z-Wave Switch".