I am retired and go to bed at whatever time I get sleepy. After getting ready for bed, i would like to just say "Hey Google set Sleep Time Mode" at witch time the lights that I want turned off will turn off and those that I want left on will stay on.
Google is great for just turning all lights on or off but I want to be specific. Is the rule function a good way to achieve what I want or do I need to go about it differently.
Alexa guy over here, but I would assume the logic would still transfer. Two ways come to mind:
Routine/rule, not sure what it is called in GH, that turns only certain lights off, or do really whatever you want.
Virtual switch in HE that you expose to GH and have your "Hey Google set Sleep Time Mode" rule/routine turn that switch on, and then do what you want inside HE.
I do @cjkeenan's no 2 method. I have a Hubitat goodnight virtual switch. When I tell Alexa goodnight it turns that switch off. From there you can use mode manager, simple automations, RM, webcore or any combination of those to make things happen.
I also use @cjkeenan's no. 2 method and can confirm that it works with Google Home. I setup a virtual switch in HE and exposed it to Google Home. Then in Google Home setup a routine to turn on that switch. I have a Goodnight routine in Google that turns on a virtual "Goodnight" switch. This then triggers a rule in HE that turns on night mode and turns off various lights.
If all you want to do is set the night mode then you could use HE's Mode Manager to turn on night mode when the virtual switch is turned on.
Don't forget to setup a rule/automation in HE to turn off the virtual switch....I included it in my HE Goodnight rule after a delay of a few seconds, but you could also setup a separate rule/automation when you wake up.