I have a C8 Pro hub in our main house, and moved my previous C8 hub to the detached workshop in hopes of being able mainly run a schlage lock on the workshop that was too far for my current z wave network from the main hub.
I performed a factory reset on the previous C8 hub and have registered it. I can access it and it appears to be working correctly. I cannot get the lock included however. I did the factory reset because it seemed like the z wave devices still showed up on the z wave details tab. Now they don't. When i try to include the lock it will seem like it wants to pair and the app says completing bootstrapping. But every time it will get to the end of the time for inclusion and it didn't complete(device doesn't show in the list).
The hub is maybe 20' away from the lock and there are no walls or obstructions. What could keep the lock from being able to complete the inclusion? Am I trying to do something with the 2nd hub that can't be done?
It does and I have tried that route as well. I scan the QR code and then it will show as pending but never complete the process. I have left it for 30 minutes after disconnecting the batteries and reconnecting them as the documentation says but it doesnโt finish inclusion.
The lock is BE469ZP. I have 2 more of the same that were paired on this hub prior to doing the factory reset (now on C8 Pro and working fine) and worked fine.
Yeah I have two of those and paired with the QR code on my C8 no issues.
When you are trying to pair manually, are you selecting security and putting in the DSK? Otherwise it will fail without security.
When it scanned into Smart Start and pending, you could try starting an exclude on he hub and then exclude the lock. It should say unknown device excluded, usually that will kick it into pairing mode right away and make sure it is clean and not holding onto any old pairings.
Barrier devieces: Locks, garage door openers, etc. must always be included with Security. If you don't the ZWave spec says they shouldn't work, and in my experience, manufacturers have nailed that requirement