User Mistake with Device Removal

It's pretty easy to get some experience...

Grab some battery device that's in the 'spares pile'... Include it and then pop the battery.

Again, because I have multiple hubs, multiple Z-Sticks and a couple of instances of PC Controller, it's trivial for ME to find a 'safe way' to Exclude it. I recognize it wouldn't be easy for many many others.

Perform a 'safe exclude' of the battery device.

When the REPLACE button shows, do it..

It's pretty simple, not very different from a normal include, meaning distance, phase of the moon, etc. don't affect it.. I've had to re-do a Replace.. just like having to redo am Include or an Exclude.

For example.. the physical relationship between me, where I'm sitting, and one of my hubs is such that my body is between. Thus if I try to Include/Exclude with that specific hub, while holding the device squarely in front of me.. it fails more than it works. If I hold the device 1 ft to my left or to my right, it pretty much works every time. :smiley: I'm clearly on the edge of that Hub's reach. Doing a REPLACE isn't going to make that any different. :smiley:

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