UseeLink ZigBee power strip

For you or anyone curious about this: I ordered one and it arrived today. Surprisingly, I couldn't even get it to work with generic drivers (I was expecting on() and off() to maybe at least control everything; obviously control of individual endpoints would not be there unless the driver provided them). With some playing around, I was able to make something work. Here are my results:

By default, this driver creates a "parent" device for the strip with five child devices, one for each of the four outlets and one for the USB plugs (which, unlike many others, are indeed controllable). No other drivers are necessary (the child devices are created using Hubitat's built-in component switch drivers; also, you can disable their creation, but I can't imagine why you'd want to, though I created custom commands you can use with endpoint IDs on the parent if you do). I'd welcome feedback from anyone familiar with Zigbee, because this device appears to have some oddities for me:

  • it is my understanding that endpoint 01 is often the entire device itself (i.e., all outlets), but that is not the case here; that is outlet 1
  • outlets 1-4 are endpoints 1-4, the USB ports are outlet 7, and I did not see reports from or successful commands send to any other endpoint ID
  • because of the above, I'm not sure that there is any one particular ID for the strip itself (device.endpointId is null ... assuming this couldn't have been something going wrong during pairing?), so the parent on(), off(), and refresh() commands just send multiple commands, one to each known endpoint

Hopefully this works for anyone who has this! I'll move it from my dev hub to my "real" Zigbee hub later tonight or tomorrow and see if I notice any other issues. :slight_smile: