URL Links doe Dash Board Images

Good Afternoon.
I was just setting up a new dash board after installing simple sprinklers and i thought i would try and put pictures of the zones in each dashboard tile. There is an option for a background image link. Couple of questions please....
I presume that considering the link is for a specific tile...that the image will only be shown on that tile..and not a full back ground image of the dash board. Is that correct? reason i ask is i want to have an image for the 8 discrete tiles * 8 zones)
2nd and most important.....i have no idea what to link to. My images are on my local machine so i'm not really certain if I can link to my machine or if i have to link to something on the web.

I searched the forum. Found some answers but i didn't see an answer.


You can use a github (raw) link or you can store images on the hub. Any unsecured url should work

You can have back ground image for each tile or the dashboard

Thanks. I'll try and figure how to store the images on the hub.

try this its under setting - file manager ,, but they dont work remotely ie of LAN