[Updated] Weather Underground Driver - New API

I’m sorry but I have never used RM so can’t really advise on it’s features


Is the attribute data type string?

I didn’t look at this driver for a year so possibly.
Easy to change to number in the driver if it is.

Yes, that was easier to fix than I thought.

I am trying to use this to determine if it snowed today but am having so problems. At the end of the day I check precip-type for snow which works fine but only suggests it could snow so I added a check of precip-today being above zero.

The problem I am having is that value does not return zero when there was no snow. Instead it retains a previous day’s positive value if there was no precipitation. I am guessing that when Wunderground returns nulls the field is not updated. For example, the driver has reported .51 inches for the last several days even though it has not snowed at all.

That would make sense as attempting to set an attribute to null (or space) is not retained.

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