Updated to .141 and have mobile screen working via cloud however -

How do I get to the other dashboards lights and sensors? Seems I don't have the navigation icon at the bottom right. However accessing locally its there. If I enabled dashboard editing that icon does show up on the cloud mobile page on the lower right side

Navigation to other dashboards is not available on the cloud. Cloud dashboard URL includes an access token, which is only good for a single dashboard.

you can do the navigation in cloud/legacy dashboards if you need to.. i do.. just to make it more unclear.

Wow, that kills the whole idea for me about EZ dashboards then.. hmmmm

Yeah I know legacy can do it I use it now for our mobile devices.. guess I'll stick with that or come with another idea for the mobile side.. documentation anywhere about not being as EZ as it sounds for the mobile side?

Kind of lost my excitement here now..

Ok back to happy, thought of a solution to try and actually like! a spacer label with image on it for lighting and sensors

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How do ?

Create a Virtual device and select image as the type of device, label as you want

Then I grabbed a few image URL off the internet I wanted to use and set this in the device screen. Then just put that into your mobile dashboard area and go to your device move and stretch as needed


You know, this is cool enough that I think you should create a separate topic just dedicated to this customization you've worked out.

Include your posts from this topic explaining and laying out how to do it.

If The content stays buried in this post it'll get lost...

Cool stuff!

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Hi @danabw @bobbyD

Thanks for the idea, I've done just that and have posted in the EZ Dashboard area. Maybe we can get this pinned so it stays on top or ?


Great use and idea to pin. It is now :wink:

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