[UPDATED] iPhone WiFi Presence Sensor

Thanks for elaborating, @ogiewon :slight_smile:.

@jw970065 you should not use only this method for determining arrival/departure, since as @ogiewon explained, the behavior you’re seeing is expected and mostly an unavoidable artifact of how iPhones automatically manage power usage while asleep.

As it says in the OP:

The developer of this driver also wrote an app that can combine more than one presence device, it creates a new virtual device that can be used for much more reliable presence-based notifications or automations.

If you don’t care at all about how long it takes for your phone to show as “departed” using this driver only, you could set the timeout to something very high like 15-20 mins. That might work around the issue. But like @ogiewon I also use other solutions like Locative, which is a separate iOS mobile app but can be integrated with Hubitat.