Updated Firmware, Hub No Longer Accessible

The "password" is a MAC address on the underside of the hub. This is to prevent accidental actions more than anything.

Got there in the end:

  • reboot didn't work
  • restored to previous version
  • reverted "back" to newer version which did show
  • now on 2.25.119

you maybe need a change of slogan "Hubitat - Elevate your blood pressure" :slight_smile: :laughing:

Yeah, mine too... There's only so much I can do about current update, but we'll certainly try to avoid that in the future.


No problem - I'm a stress head and new to Hubitat so it was a twitchy bum moment.

I received my new Hubitat C-7 yesterday afternoon (finally pushed over the edge by Wink!), and being a good technology user I immediately attempted to apply the latest update, only to have it hang overnight. I had already tried reverting to the intial vesion and applying the update again, without success.

This morning I located these excellent step-by-step instructions, and following them was able to get my hub updated to I heard that Hubitat's responsiveness to their customers was amazing - and I've already witnessed it within 24 hours of owning the Elevation. Thanks a bunch!

(Now to start the process to bring all my Z-Wave devices over - I'm sure I'll be searching the forum today!)


My process when I moved over from SmartThings was:

  • Excluded all devices from ST hub (Rip off the bandaid approach so I could start Hubitat w/a strong mesh built outwards from the hub)
  • Some people turn of their ST/Wink, etc., hub so it can't inadvertenly interfere w/the inclusion process.
  • Excluded each device again on HE hub before including it (insurance to ensure the device's Z-Wave info is completely clear)
  • Started w/devices closest to my hub and then moving outward, doing repeaters, plugs, and switches that were mains powered
  • Do the inclusion
  • Confirm working/controllable from HE device page
  • Do the next device....etc.

Can't rememner the exact timing but I I was able to include all my ST devices in a day or so. Rebooting after several devices may help keep the hub "fresh" while you're adding a lot of devices in a row.

If you have a bad/failed Z-Wave include, ensure you check out the Z-Wave Details page and if you have a devices that is missing data on the Clusters and/or Routing column, you'll need to remove it before continuing. Remove power from the device that didn't include properly, hit Refresh on the device row until you see a Remove button, then hit the Remove button. Search on "Removing Ghosts" if you run into those types of issues and can't resolve them.


Thanks - sounds like a solid plan. Unfortunately I didn’t get to start the process yesterday as I had hoped. Maybe today, but definitely before the weekend is over.

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The best laid plans of mice and men... :wink:

Have fun when you get started, and post up if you run into issues.

Help a noobie please. Just registered and tried to update my new hub from to the latest firmware All I got was a hung hub. Unable to access after 30 min of waiting.
I can get into the Diagnostic tool but I've tried to reboot , reset, soft reset etc from the Diagnostic tool Each time I get to the page requesting the password. When I put in the mac address I get "Incorrect password, try again."
I've check the mac address and typed it in with and without colons, tried incognito mode on my browser (as suggested on the help board) and still no success. HELP

Tagging @gopher.ny and @bobbyD.

When you're in the diagnostic tool, what Platform Version does it show at the top of the page:


Try unplugging the hub from power (at the wall, not at the hub, the hub USB connection can be a little fragile). Wait 30s off power, then plug in again and see if it reboots properly.

The MAC address is one of those "should work" issues...type it in all caps, you don't need spaces or colons. Try typing it into another app, like Notepad, so you can see what you're typing and ensure it's correct. Ensure you aren't typing a zero (0) when it's a letter "O." then copy/paste that into the MAC address field on the hub and try that. Don't put a space on the end accidentally, that will keep it from working.

@danabw @gopher.ny (my apologies if I shouldn't have tagged the two of you) Another newbie here. I, like apparently several others, have a new C-7 and have run into the update issue. At this point, I have a device with no platform on it and have tried the Download Latest Version from the Diagnostic Tool. As has been noted in one of the other posts, the "success" response comes back almost instantaneously, but nothing appears to happen beyond that. There has also been a mention that this simply sets a flag for the update to download. So, how do force the download to take place? How do I know if the update/install is actually occurring? I've tried a reboot through the diagnostic tool, also a power cycle, but still get nothing but a blue light nd no platform version reported through he diag tool. Definitely willing to give it a chance, but not impressed so far.

The Download Latest does only that. If it's successful, you will find it in the Restore Previous menu item:

Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 10.01.46 AM

Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 10.03.06 AM

In my screenshot, I'm running (almost) the latest, so it's not in the list, but if I rolled back, I'd see as an option.

Thanks for the quick response, but there is no current or previous version. I had followed an uninstall/reinstall process and only the uninstall worked.

Then perhaps the Hub isn't able to start a download? Is it able to reach the Internet? That's certainly the most obvious. You can reach the Hub at an IP Address, any reason that address isn't allowed out?

Is there a way to perform a connectivity test? Initial startup and registration processes were fine, the problems started when it tried to apply the v2.2.5 update.

Implies there was a Platform available/functioning. Where did it go? You should be able to roll back to that version. There was a Green LED during that process, right?

When I click Download Latest (on a C5) I get the "Success" but then the hub switches to this:

And now, that hub is telling me it's on v2.2.5.124... not only did it fetch the latest, it booted to it as well :slight_smile:

Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 10.25.42 AM

UPDATE: I tried the same thing on my other C7 and got the same result as the C5. It was just an upgrade from .123 to .124 and I wanted to 'demonstrate' a larger upgrade step.

Update2: The diagnostic menu indicates a running platform of

Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 10.31.17 AM

But the Hub Details popup indicates the older version... and I believe it. The Diag Tool is wrong and I'll report that bug.

Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 10.31.45 AM

I'll have to try to find it again. One of the posts about this upgrade issue contained a link to remove the platform and then re-install using the "Download Latest Version" in the diag tool.

I think url/command was, in part,
something like /factory/recovery.

I think I'm at the limit of what I can guess with the clues at hand. My best guess is, again, no Internet to be able to download the image if you are NOT seeing that download screen after the tiny "success". I think you'll have to put in a Ticket so that @bobbyD and Hubitat support can inspect the hub remotely. (Obviously if they can/can't, it confirms the internet access question.)

Okay, thanks for trying.