Unreliable zigbee devices for quite a while now

It used to be z-wave having the problems but for around a year my zigbee network seems flakey. And by that I mean bunches of random devices are seeming to disconnect themselves or crash and need to be powered down (ie battery removed, switched off at wall) and then they happily start talking again.

My plugs, which act as repeaters, are SmartThings and Frient. The battery devices eg sensors and buttons are a big mixture. Are either SmartThings or Frient known to be troublesome as repeaters? Can network crowding (which could happen in this dense neighborhood) actually throw devices offline and make them need a reboot?

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Do you have Aqara battery-powered sensors? These do not work well with old Samsung plugs…

Probably a screenshot of the Zigbee Map could be a good starting point.

The only plug that is not either SmartThings or Frient is the one marked Ext Lead Master, which tends not to get used as a connection anyway. That one was the Xenon 4-way I think you and I were discussing ages ago.

No aqara at all any more, and none paired with Hubitat for some time before that. They had been unused for over a year before you wrote your Matter bridge that I used them to test.

Which is the most unstable mains-powered device and which are the most unstable battery-powered devices?

What I can propose is to start gathering more information for the problematic device performance - start pinging that device every 15 seconds, store the RTT (Round-Trip Time) measurements in LTS, visualise the graphs for at least 24 hours period. Then we will have some data to analyse.

There's an unknown device. Hover your mouse over and match the 4 digits zigbee I'd to your zigbee list.
Find out what it is. I get this when my device doesn't get a good mesh connection. Usually my orbit sprinkler because it's quite far away from my repeaters.
Try a zigbee rebuilt first. If that doesn't help. Maybe relocate your repeater.
That map is good but not very accurate.

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I would start with checking for wifi interference


Check your wifi and zigbee channels ..
set wifi to chan 1 and use only 20 MHz wide.< zigbee to chan 20 at power 8

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Is that actually a cause of things needing a power recycle? I would have imagined all it would do it cause some loss of signal during "noisy" times? I've done wifi and zigbee scans and put everything on the best channel I can find, and there is at least one plug in repeater device in every room. I'm not sure what I can improve in terms of network integrity that's why I have resorted to asking about brand-related problems :smiley:

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I wouldn't rule out signal interference but I've already been over things like that chart and used scanners to avoid my own and neighbours' signals as far as is possible in this urban area.

I would make sure your settings are what I listed .. It will make a difference..
also may want to look into a few repeaters .. I fond these seem to work well.

Address: Unknown 0. I guess that must be the ThirdReality Vibration sensor that is currently inactive, less than one metre away from a Smartthings plug which is still online.

@Inge_Jones do you have already a graph system capable to visualize data from a LTS (Long Term Storage ) - Hubigaph , WebCoRE Graphs or Graphana/InfluxDB running on another server?

This is needed to provide graphs like this, then we can analyze and comment on the data :



I'll try it. I was using Zigbee channels 11, 13 and 15 (two of which were decided by the hubs themselves without asking me) and channel 1 wifi was nice and clear so I left them there while I used channel 11 wifi.

Not sure but thats all wrong LOL
wifi to chan 1 on all WIFI routers and aps and use only 20 MHz wide
and zigbee to chan 20 at power 8

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I've got a Hue bridge (zigbee) that chooses its own channel. A thirdreality bridge that chooses its own channel. And a hubitat zigbee radio that allows the admin to choose the channel. You didn't mean me to try and get them all onto channel 20? And they don't seem to have a power setting option. Would I be more likely to find that on Home Assistant using the SkyConnect dongle?

Hmm no I don't think channel 20 zigbee is going to work for me in my particular location. It appears that several of my neighbors are fighting for a signal in that range.

I'm not going to change my channels, I have chosen the best combination available to me already. The zigbee is working fine with Hue - no problems at all. And the devices I have moved to the Thirdreality bridge have remained responsive longer than usual. I think I'll start phasing out the Smartthings plugs

They're all giving problems of the same sort at different times. Each week another group needs resetting. It's hard to know if there is a "ringleader". I wouldn't know where to start.

Do a quick zigbee scan.
I have my main hub on chanel 18.
3 hubs not using zigbee on 25.
Home assistant 20.
Hue bridge 15.
Neighbor Home assistant 25.

This work out well for me. I also have xbee3 to help with mapping.

Yeah I've been using zigbee and wifi scanners all this time and I am confident I have picked the best for my particular location. The close cluster of zigbee channels I listed above were only as long ago as yesterday as I experimented. Usually they are spaced out and not anywhere near my wifi band. I have put them back how they were now. I am pretty sure there is something else wrong. Some rogue device or driver. My two other zigbee systems as well as the Aqara one I have now taken down as I didn't want more than 3 zigbee channels occupied have not had a problem with devices dropping offline.