Unit testing groovy apps and drivers

Hi @artyom.tokmakov , are you still developing your unit testing framework? I've been playing with it, and am really impressed by all the work you put in. I have some ideas for it. If you're maintaining it, I can submit pull requests. If you've moved on to other things, I will probably fork your repo and work there. Again, thank you!

I've been making a lot of updates for the last few months. @artyom.tokmakov has been reviewing my PRs, providing great feedback, and merging in my work.

My latest PR, which is still under review, creates a sort of "virtual hub environment", so that the app & driver tests can be written in terms very close to how a user would experience the app.


As an example of what the tests can look like, here are the tests for one of my apps, Auto-Shades. (It links a smart shade to an illumination sensor, to automatically close shades when it's bright. And several other use cases.)


Yes, I'm trying to keep up with @jwetzel1492 PRs, which I appreciate a lot. So yeah, the project is still alive.


I just thought I'd chime with thanks for the hubitat_ci library, and to provide some more examples to encourage others to write unit tests.


Thanks, @rk1 , this is appreciated!

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