I've had HSM set up for months now. When armed, it uses contact sensors for Asleep mode, and both contact and motion sensors for Away mode.
A couple of weeks ago I adopted a dog. (You can start laughing now.)
He's an adult dog, and has excellent house manners. But, for the first couple of weeks, I've been putting him in his crate when I left the house because I wasn't sure I could trust him on his own. (I'm usually home.)
Today I decided to test his trustworthiness, so I took him for a long walk and then left him loose in the house while I ran a couple of errands... and he continually triggered all of the motion sensors while he played with his kong ball. And I was continually notified that there was an intruder in the house. And Alexa kept telling the dog to leave, which of course he didn't listen to. And I came back to all of the lights on.
But at least I know it all works.
May need to make a few changes...