Yesterday several of my lights came on and one outlet turned off all at the same time. Two minutes after this occurred my HSM went into away mode. I tried to cancel the HSM event but it came back on by itself. I'm not sure what caused this because I don't have any rules or HSM events setup for this. I went through all my rules and log files and couldn't find anything that would have triggered this. Has anyone else ever had this happen or is my system just possessed?
Nice visual!, What Grafana Panel and query are you using to get this result?
Yep, that's it.
HSM status at 11:37 is armaway 10 seconds. Is there something at that time, presence or something else that might have triggered it? Is the 10 seconds a wait time for something then arm?
I do have a 10 second wait time on my keypads so that once the system is armed it gives me time to get out the door, but I haven't used any of the keypads for almost two years. There is nothing setup for presence related to HSM so that's not a factor.
Does your events for the keypad device show anything, Something is waiting or has waited 10 seconds at that point So if the keypads are the only things I'd look at those events and see if it thinks something triggered it there next.
Other than showing the normal armed and disarmed (both digital) there isn't anything on either one of them that indicates they were used.
Did you do this? Maybe something trigged it to think they keypad was armed away?
11:37 Front Door Keypad was armed away (digital)
11:37 Back Door Keypad was armed away (digital)
Then -
11:37 HSM status arming away
Nope, I was watching TV and my wife was asleep so no one touched anything. We haven’t used either keypad for over a year.
I think that is your smoking gun but not sure why.. maybe some others will chime in. 4 mins after arming it then disarmed as well for both front door and back door
Not sure you can go back this far but if you go to logs, show past logs can you get back to yesterday at that time frame and see what is shows?
Past logs don’t go back that far but when I looked through them yesterday the only thing I could find was that everything was turned digitally.
Bummer that's very strange indeed
Strange indeed... Thanks for your input!