Unexpected rules result

If you followed the thread then you would have seen it wasn't until after I made that comment that the question was answered, prior to that I was told to use another app, keep it simple etc. After I posted about being out of here then the actual answer to my question started arriving. Maybe it was timing or what ever but when a specific problem is posted asking for help related to that problem IMHO the answer isn't to try and end the thread with use Motion Lighting, but rather address the problem then suggest using something simpler in the same response. Consider me what you will, just look at both sides.

:zipper_mouth_face: :angry:
Not going into a p*ssing match..

I didn't give up on you, did I? You said you didn't want the advice, so I continued on working on your rule. I didn't even see your comment about being out of here because it was posted just as I was finishing the post that is just below it above. I only became aware of that post when you replied the second time about being out of here.

I'm once again sorry that you take the things I say to you so badly. I'm not a mean person, I'm actually trying to help you. Perhaps you should read the thread again from below where you bailed the first time, to find out the answer to your original question.


OK. Good idea.