Understanding Zwave Repair

When running Zwave repairs I occasionally get devices that have different log entries.

I'm assuming this is what "normal" should be

Occasionally I will get this instead

What does this mean in layman's terms?

is 53 a battery device? It was awake for the Ping then went to sleep and the SUC loop tried 4 times before giving up?

It's just a wild guess on my part.

It's actually the Aeotec USB Stick. But as I was mentioning to Mike earlier here Aeotec Range Extender 6 ZW117 Driver....I noticed when I experienced the issues stated, that when I tried running a zwave repair, the time to complete a repair increased by about 5x longer than normal and MOST ALL of the devices returned the SUC Loop (2nd Screenshot) when they were pinged.

Now that I've excluded and re-included all the Extenders zwave repairs are back to normal and all the devices are returning the (1st screenshot) except for the aeotec stick, which isn't a problem (just using that as the example)