Unable to reset z-wave network

I am currently building out my home. I live in a large concrete house where radio penetration tends to be an issue. I’m running version I have 11 wifi routers all hard wired just to make it work for wifi. Anyway, I started building out my automation network on smart things, but recently switched to hubitat as I couldn't get consistently reliable responses. Most of my devices are inovelli red switches and bulbs. I have about 30 devices at present between switches and bulbs and I am trying to build out a robust z-wave network and completely failing. No matter what I do, my hubitat hub inevitably starts throwing Z-Wave Network responded with Busy message and devices are slow to respond or completely non-responsive. Likely because some devices are not reachable. I have added several devices in between the ones that are problematic to no avail and includes and excluded the devices several times. At this point, I just wanted to start over starting from the device closest to my hub and working my way out adding devices and seeing which ones are reliable or not. Nothing I do allows me to reset my network though. I tried excluding devices manually by hand, but several devices show as non-responsive and I’m not able to exclude them. I then finally went to reset z-wave radio function, type in reset and cleared all the devices. This cleared the list temporarily and I thought it was good. I then went back to the device list and removed each device from that. I then started re adding devices throughly testing them as I went. They all seemed to work great. After adding about 10 all within line of sight of the hub, I went back to z-wave devices page to do a z-wave repair, but all the devices that I just reset were back, except now with no names and along with the readded devices with the newly assigned names Running the repair results in Z-Wave network responded with busy message as it tried pining all the devices I removed and basically killed my network for all the readded devices stopped responding. How the hell do I reset my network so I can get rid of these network busy error messages?

did you reset each device too? if not, it will still be looking for the hub and once you add the other devices they'll pair back


Thanks for the quick reply. I have painstakingly reset every device. That seems to have solved the problem of devices showing back up. I now have the original issue of non-responsive nodes in the network. I have setup 4 switches so far in the new network. After successfully adding one switch and turning it on and off just fine, it no longer works. Doing a network repair on that device now says its unreachable. All the devices I added are in the same room as the hub. There are partial cement wall between the hub and the switches though. The one that is non-responsive is on the opposite side of a cement wall with another switch that is responsive. Both those switches are in metal electrical boxes so I don't if they have an easy path to each other. The 2 other switches are within line of sight from the non responsive switch and further away from the hub, but has a cement wall in the way halfway between the hub and the switches. They still work. I don't understand why the switch in the other wall doesn't work. I would think if it couldn't get to the hub, it would go through the switches on the opposite wall that can see the hub. How can I get this switch responsive?

Nevermind. It appears the switch got borked and was locked on. I had to reset the circuit breaker and it appears to be working now. A repair got through all nodes without a timeout.