Unable to remove failed devices after 2.2.3 upgrade on C7

Just upgraded to 2.2.3 on my C7. Upgrade went smooth with both the Hubitat firmware and the ZWave radio firmware. The instructions in the e-mail suggest to remove failed devices (I have two) after the update.

I can refresh the devices to get the Remove option to appear, but the devices are not removing.

Same problem. A failed Z-Wave node. Noticed that it's routed through a non-existent node.

This is being worked on from what I understand. I would sit tight until they issue the bugfix, which should be soon.

The other thing you could try, if you don't have many (or any) automations or rules tied to this device, would be to do the following procedure. From This Thread I cannot verify that this will work, but it seemed to for others.