Unable to DisAssociate App From Device


I am in the process of migrating Hue Motion Sensors from C-8 Pro to Hue Bridge. I am down to the last device to migrate and I am up against a challenge which I have not encountered previously.

I am unable to remove the 3 apps from the device "Garage Motion (X)" without breaking "Keena Motion (B)." I have been through the 3 apps shown to be in use by "Garage Motion (X)" looking for some device usage buried in the rule to no avail. It seems that I have no choice but to Export the apps, remove them from "Garage Motion (X)" and then Import them back into "Keena Motion (X)." Has anyone else had a similar experience? File corruption? The 2 motion sensors have been in their respective locations and functioning properly for over a year or more. Until now I have never had cause to look at the apps associated with each device.

Thank You.

Have you tried to replace the motion sensors with virtual devices, do the migration, then swap back?

I have not added virtual devices to the mix.

To be clear, I am not swapping out one device for another device. Rather I am changing the controller to which the devices are associated. The image posted depicts 2 distinct devices that are wholly distinct from each other each having their own set of apps associated with it. There has never any concious overlap of the devices and or apps. At least that was what I thought until just recently. 3 of the Apps that have forever and a day been assigned to "Keena Motion (B) appear in the "Garage Motion (X)" "in use by list."

The Exciting Conclusion/Resolve: I rebuilt the 3 Apps that I needed to remove from "Garage Motion (X)" with extreme prejudice assigning a new label to each. Though I exported the apps I did not bother trying to Import them. The rules were easy enough to re-build and I had more confidence in starting from scratch.


This is my methodology for migrating devices from Hubitat to Hue Bridge. It made sense for me. YMMV

  1. Re-Label All Devices already paired with Hubitat which will be migrated to Hue Bridge.
    e.g. "Garage Motion" > "Garage Motion (X)"

  2. Factory Reset the Device.

  3. Pair Device with Hue Bridge and Name/Label it.
    e.g. "Garage Motion (B)"

  4. Add Device/s back into the Hubitat mix using the built-in Hue Integration App

  5. Do a Search for "Garage Motion" in Hubitat Device List.

    "Garage Motion (B)"
    "Garage Motion (X)"

  6. Open "Garage Motion (X)" Device Details Page > "In Use By" window.

  7. Go through each App Listed replacing "Garage Motion (B)" for "Garage Motion (X)"
    As App changes are confirmed the list of Apps listed "In Use By" for "Garage Motion (X)" shrinks and the corresponding list in device "Garage Motion (B)" grows.

When an instance of "Garage Motion (X)" is not replaced. The App will remain in the list of "In use by" until any and 'ALL' instances are discovered and replaced or removed.

  1. Once the "In use by" is empty the device "Garage Motion (X)" can be deleted. The device "Garage Motion (B)" can then be relabeled or not. I wait to relabel the device until after all the migrations are completed and it appears all is functioning properly so if there is a problem the devices that may be involved stand out.