UK socket switch with energy monitor that works with HE

I want to know when the dishwasher has finished so that I can have "Jeeves" announce it, so I need a plug in socket with energy monitoring that HE can read. But the UK seems a lot more limited in choice than the and all the ones on the HE compatibility list seem to be US spec. I already use at lot of TKB Home standard switches and know they do an energy version, but I don't think anyone has got one to send the energy use to HE yet.

Has anyone got anything like this working with a UK socket?

I have several capable of power monitoring, but only one yet that does, downside is that’s an ST plug. Have the hive, some TKB take off brand and Greenwave powernodes (nonlonger on sale) but neither use a driver capable.

Sorry not much help to you.

I think the new Aeotec 6 switch might do it as it's on the HE compatibility list, but they are £65 each! To my mind that's ridiculous. I'm wondering if the earlier version of that might work with that driver but even they are £45. We aren't well served here in the UK for zwave plug in hardware are we?

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Very much so, its quite annoying. Even more annoying when I know the ones I do have, can report power just that I don't have a good driver to use with them. My original post on that driver is here. But I've never gotten any further.

Found this on ebay though, bit still not that cheap. Its basically Aeotec but slightly cheaper.

Also found these on Aliexpress. I have two of these too, yet no reporting although they can.

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Thanks for those links :+1:

It must be very frustrating to be so close with the Greenwave driver and know they have the capability but you can't quite access it.

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Yeah very. I think there's only one issue with it, and that's committing the preferences. (from memory). Without the appropriate driver, the plugs flash every minute or so, that's because its not heard from the Hub. So I have a workaround in place to perform a "refresh" every two mins. That keeps the flashing at bay.

But I know there is an offset to turn that off, but if you cant send the params, you cant turn it off. Dammit! Thinkk I'll have another play and see if I can get it going. Some kind guy at the time created this one for me on ST, he tweaked what he'd already done for the firmware which I have (isn't updateable). Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

mike maxwell did create a small app for sending zwave configuration parameters that I have used successfully on my TBK units to switch operation of the LED. So if you know what parameter you need to change that might work for you. The link to it is in this post:

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I did see this one a long while ago, but dont really understand what to do with it.

My biggest issue is this line.

 *  sendCommands(cmds, delay=200)
 *  Sends a list of commands directly to the device using sendHubCommand.
 *  Uses encapCommand() to apply security or CRC16 encapsulation as needed.
private sendCommands(cmds, delay=200) {
	sendHubCommand(hubitat.device.HubAction)( cmds.collect{ (it instanceof hubitat.zwave.Command ) ? response(encapCommand(it)) : response(it) }, delay)

Its producing this error.

dev:26252018-11-28 05:24:42.800 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: dev15434243367101230326708.sendHubCommand() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Class) values: [class hubitat.device.HubAction]
Possible solutions: sendHubCommand(hubitat.device.HubAction) on line 1142 (updated)

I did try what Mike suggested at the time, but still no luck. God I wish I understood all of this haha. :roll_eyes:

I did a search in one of my working driver groovy code for: "hubitat.device.HubAction"

and found this:

private sendResponse(cmds) {
	def actions = []
	cmds?.each { cmd ->
		actions << new hubitat.device.HubAction(cmd)
logTrace "cmd $cmd"
	return []

It's not exactly what you're using, but it might give a hint to the syntax.

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I've also been looking to get a cheap energy monitoring plug in the UK. I've bought two Salus SP600 Smart Plugs.

This is a cheap Zigbee power outlet available in the UK on Amazon and Ebay. Cheapest on Ebay at £22.95. Salus is part of Computime.

It works with the Generic Zigbee Outlet for on/off switching. I've not been able to get the power reporting to work though. The reviews on Amazon say the power reporting works on Smartthings with their generic driver, apart from being out by a factor of ten. So not sure what needs to be done on Hubitat to get the power usage reporting working.

Anyone have any pointers on how to try to get it reporting?

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Many thanks @csteele, sadly no luck as yet.

I wonder if this Blitzwolf plug (a blatant copy of the Fibaro plug) will work with the Hubitat ?

EDIT: Sorry, you mentioned UK, this is the one then:

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With all off these it's just a case of whether HE has a driver that can utilise the energy information. Like Roy has found getting the hardware isn't the issue it's getting a driver to work with it. I reckon I'm going to try the older Aeotec model. I refuse to pay £65 for one of the new ones that's silly for basically a switch in a frock. HE has a built in driver for that one, which seems technically very very similar to the previous version. If that doesn't work I've found a ST driver that I hope I can convert to work in HE.

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Well the unit I ordered yesterday arrived today!

Aeotec ZW075 Smart Switch Gen5 UK. It's not the very latest but it's a neat little unit with the manual switch and LED on the bottom. It was discovered fine by HE but it didn't recognise it as a specific device. Once saved, I allocated the Aeotec Smart Switch 6 driver (which is for the latest model) and it works perfectly as far as I can see :+1:

I haven't tried changing any of the config settings or anything yet, but works great and I'm getting Energy level updated . I will try out a test rule to check it can detect the energy change in that but it's all looking good. The only bad news is that this one is still £45 from Amazon which is better than £65 for the 6 but still pricey.

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I read in a post for some other heding that the Aeon 6 driver was specifically for the ... Aeon 6.

I am using the Dome OnOff PowerPlug driver.

I'm sure it's specifically designed for that, but I have the spec sheets for both, including the zwave parameter numbers and settings, and bar the LED night light colour option for the new version, they seem identical. Certainly all is working well. It switches on and off manually and digitally and reports correctly for both. I've now got an RM rule that works correctly based on the power consumption of it, and all the parameters on the device page update and seem sensible in values. I have adjusted the report time interval and that changes correctly in the parameters and the logs show it has adjusted correctly. I don't want any more than that.

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