Anyone experience any connectivity/operation issues with installing two zwave switches within one double metal switch box? I have lots of single switch installed into a single metal box without any issues.
There are a couple of places where I have 2 Inovelli dimmers sitting in the same metal box inside of a wall made of plaster and metal lath. Other than the usual challenges fighting through all of the metal, no real issues.
I had 4 in a single box that worked without problem. I did find out the hard way that you cannot assume that all of the switches in the same gang box are on same circuit. I got a little "bite".
Should be fine, I have 3 in the same box. The switches' antenna is facing outwards, so only signal behind the metal box may be impaired.
This is a larger problem for devices like the Qubino relays with a wire antenna that is inside the metal box
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